Anyway, last entry was the hundredth!!!!!!!!! what? I hadn't realized!
it's slightly appropriate that the hundredth entry was about me being fail.
*jigs for a bit in celebration*
and my blog is officially one year old!!!!!!!! (on Feb 7th. Yes, I am bad at punctuality. but only in this sense)
*jigs a bit more*
I can't believe I've been doing this for a year. Sporadic entries as it is.
SO, here's to hoping this blog will live on. Even if, not really a lot of people are reading it. :)
A little bit of sad news to go with the current rainy weather, my laptop's system is corrupt. Thus it is being stupid and will not do anything, nor cooperate. I am sad. It died on my last Sunday? I forgot. I have to format the thing, which rightfully does not need much but, I haven't the CD. And I sort of don't want to go to a repair store if all I have to do is format the thing. They charge MONEY!. Which i currently lack.
I miss fangirling Arashi in the privacy of my room. :(
We have currently finished the major papers and have three more exams to look forward to next week. If all goes well, and I don't fail anything that is. Pharmacology hates my guts like burning. So, we shall see. Maybe my laptop crashing last Sunday was a good thing. Nothing to distract me from studying.
That's all for now! I'm off to go roll up in a blanket and watch some dramas or something