Friday, January 29, 2010

Lines basically

are what makes a picture. That's one of the things I find so fascinating about drawing. See I can be a deep thinker.

So, here are some drawings I did in class today. I haven't been drawing like this for ages.

The Goggles, they do nothing

Seriously, what are you looking at?

Girl in love.
And because life will not be complete....

A little Juntoshi for the soul

sakumiya fan though I am.

A scanner, I have not. Sorry :)



p/s Owl City, Dental care song lyric: "...Alcohol and golf don't mix, that's why I don't drink and drive..." Serious love

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Because Sho-chan would approve

I didn't make it in time to write Sho-chan's birthday post yesterday because I had to finish up writing a paper due Thursday.

I'm sure Sho-chan would approve ;D

So Aaaannyyyway....

Sakurai Sho-kun

Otanjoubi Omedettou!!! (a day late)

I so love Sho-chan. Right after Nino, my love for Sho-chan prevails. He succeeds and fails with equal enthusiasm. And his drawings are shite, but he's proud of em anyway.

So, to dear Sho-chan;

Happy 28th Birthday wishes to you. I hope that this year is better, and you stay healthy and happy and successful and everything. Good luck on Tokujo!! which I would watch if I could but I can't.


I feel like Charlie's Angels

Situation: girl A is stuck in toilet because damn door broke. Girls B, C and D upon hearing her cries for help, emerged from their respective rooms.

and the following conversation happened:

A: door won't open >O
B: What are we gonna do about it?
C: This part here seems jammed. *pushes door*
D: *slams shoulder into door fruitlessly* Ow.
A: It's the little metal thing. It's not working.
B: Are you sure you didn't lock yourself in?
A: NO! Lock's open.

after a few more minutes.

B: *kicks the door*
D: *kicks the door*
C: what are we gonna do?
A: The door won't open T_T
B: Let's kick the door. 1, 2, 3

*unsynchronized kicking*

B: Again, 1, 2, 3!

*more unsynchronized kicking*

B, C, D: 1, 2, 3!!!!

*harder more synchronized kicking*

B,C,D: 1, 2, 3!!!!!!!

BANG!!!! door opens

A: ARrrrGGGHhhhhHH!!!!!!

B, C, D: AAarrrGGGGhhhHHH!!!!!!

D: *bursts out laughing uncontrollably because really, it's hilarious.*

B: I sorta kinda feel like Charlie's Angels

True story, though can be highly dramatized and I may have forgot some parts because this happened two days ago. It was epic. Totally epic

Identities as to who is whom is classified. At least here. Because I want to ;D.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Because tomorrow will be sunny

This, my friends, is the result of studying Psychiatry for three hours straight....

This means nothing. Except maybe allusions to a few psychiatry related problems I have been reading prior to this. Angst because apparently I cannot write anything fun. Besides, this stuff is never fun...
First original piece I've written in ages. This just further reminds me that I suck.

Enjoy. If you can tell me what the disorder I allude to is, all the better.


Because tomorrow will be sunny

He walked through the empty rooms slowly, his hand sometimes running over the surfaces of dusty furniture. Staining his fingers with a gray color.

She smiled at him from the doorway, a hand stretched towards him. Her pink lips moved as she said something and her entire face lit as she laughed. He could see his own hand reaching towards her. Did he laugh too, he wonders.

Every footstep was accompanied by a dull crunch as he walked on, uncaring in the debris that littered the floor. He imagines that he could feel the glass cut through the soles of his shoes, tearing at the skin of his feet. He wonders why he feels no pain.

The walls were cast an odd flickering orange as he ran down the hall. He knew something was wrong. Knew it in his bones. In his labored breaths that burned his lungs. He could feel hands grab at him, pulling him back. A crack, a rush of flame and smoke and his vision starts to blur around the edges. He hears a loud cry. Almost animal in its ferocity and despair. He wonders why his throat hurts.

“We should go back,” a voice wakes him from his reverie.

He looks up from the ruined cupboard he had been unconsciously inspecting. The glass doors had shattered when it fell. He turned and the glass crunched under

“Who lived here?” he asked.

The man, his friend, smiled.

“A happy couple.”

“I hope they’re okay. It looks like this place was burned pretty bad.”

“I’m sure everything’s fine”

The door was pulled shut behind him. He stretched lazily, easing a tension he hadn’t known had built in his neck and back. His friend chuckled in amusement as he popped his back.

“Let’s go have ice-cream,” he said.

“Why ice-cream?” his friend asked as he led the way back to their car.

“Just felt like it. Chocolate chip cookies and almonds sounds good. What?”

His friend smiled sadly.

“Ice cream it is.”

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Because durians are never old

Here's an old video of Nino eating a durian for the first time

(Ninomiya Kazunari-san no hajimete no dorian)

His reaction when he smelt it is sooo precious... LOL.

Oh look, a post!

I am guilty of having ignored my blog.

It has already been 2010 for two weeks plus.

(how do you pronounce it anyway? Two thousand ten? Twenty ten? Myself: Two ten. because I be lazy like that)

So, to, you know, keep the blog alive and give all those bored people something to read, here is a nice little meme I took off of someone. It's pretty fun...


a) Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.

b) Using ONLY the first page, pick an image.

c) Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into Mosaic Maker. (Change rows to 3 and columns to 3.)

d) Save the image and post it!

The Questions:

1. What is your first name? Nona. I cheated. (haha, and on the first question too) Because if I had put in Aisya, I would've gotten pictures of other people's kids and stuff, so, no....

2. What is your favorite food? Cheese cake

3. What is your favorite color? Yellow

4. Favorite band? Arashi

5. Dream vacation? Japan (make it a real dream; free)

6. Favorite hobby? Drawing

7. What you want to be when you grow up? Successful

8. What do you love? The rain

9. One word to describe you. Book-ish