Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jar of Hearts

I opened this window not knowing what I wanted to write about. I never actually do, but sometimes I do have a rough draft in my head.

But not tonight.

The title for this post is the title of the song that I am currently listening to. It's a rather sad song. A melancholic kind of melody but I'm not really paying any attention towards the lyrics.

I'm pretty OK. Content I suppose. Sometimes I miss my family and my friends back at home, but that's usual. You get homesick like you get the cold. It hits you suddenly, then after maybe three days or less, it'll go away. Sometimes I'm bored to tears but I suppose I can still find things to do to fill my time. I should study of course. I can't really afford to fail again. But you know how it is. You know, some people might think that I study all the time, but not really. I mean, I laze about a lot. My allotted study time is pretty much the same as any other average student.

Recently, someone told me that I looked intelligent. That I had the look of someone smart. I said thanks and thought that this is the source of my problems, and maybe the main reason I can bullshit pretty good sometimes. I don't know myself. Though, on the other hand I have also been told that I look scary. And I'm rather violent. What with my daily death threats to my siblings. But they're my siblings. You know how it goes. Talking about siblings, I was looking through my picture folder when I came across a picture of my littlest brother. I wonder if he actually thinks of me as a real sister? I mean, yeah. What can I actually say? I've only met him once. And he's too small yet. Maybe when he's older? Maybe when things work out? I don't know. Would he take my death threats seriously? I know the others just laugh at them.

I haven't had to sleep on a bunk bed for 5 years and yet, here i am typing on my laptop from my top bunk. I did mention that we moved, yes? Here I have the top bunk in a room shared by three people, though I am going to have it all to myself this two weeks while the others go of to the hospital.

I got a few magazines the other day, Japanese magazines. Heh. But really, I can read a little of them, and I can get what they are trying to say most of the time but I can only do this bit by bit because, it is tiring. You might not believe that reading can actually be tiring but, believe me, it is. I'm self taught, and for the kanji I mostly do a lot of guess work. In a way, it's like a miracle that I can actually get what they're saying. Though really, for every 10 short sentences, I understand -fully- maybe around one and a half sentences only. When I think about it, I maybe doing this whole Japanese language thing wrong. Ah well. Who's to say?

Just thought I'd open a window and just type tonight. Would you believe me if I said that what I say usually goes through at least two to three strainers? It's really lame. But I just edited this. Again. Oh dear.

As I write this, I'm actually listening to Justin Bieber. I have no idea either.

I would like to write a message to a person who will never read this anyway but yeah, that's life, and I am poultry: Sorry to hear about the food poisoning. Take a lot of liquids. Drink 100 plus for electrolytes and also lots of plain water. You're feeling weak because you're getting dehydrated. I don't know what meds to recommend you for the food poisoning (yes I am stupid, and I forgot), sorry. But yeah. Liquids. And I suppose just wait it out. And hygiene. Hope you get well soon.

Did I mention I was some species of poultry? Yeah, well.

I recently realize I have an almost uniform length for my posts. Here's to hoping I break it in this post. ;)

Wake up Call


p/s: Closing line is a song title too.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

there is such a thing as too much free time

Short semester classes have started for me yesterday. On the first day that the short semester started. While my next class is on the ninth of March which is not for another two weeks or so. Oh my god.

I am bored.

It's just that the allotted time does not seem proportional to a credit hours this subject has!!
It's a relatively small subject and I'm stuck for all three weeks of the short semester. And I can't go home in between classes because somehow, this does not sit well with me. I mean, I still have classes! I can't skip out! Not that I'm actually skipping out or anything.

Can you assassinate your consciousness? Because that would make things so much more easier.

All my house mates are moving forward. They're already doing their PADAS. Don't get me wrong or anything, I'm not in any way angry or jealous or anything. I am being entirely truthful when I say that I'm actually kind off grateful for this short break. Because I need it. Even if I am bored.

On the other hand this is merely delaying the inevitable, but yeah, a breather is a breather. And not something to turn your nose up against.

I haven't really been doing anything.

I studied for oral medicine a few nights ago, before class. Managed to answer most of the questions but couldn't exactly follow in the end because I hadn't finished reading up. I should probably continue doing that. Hmmmmm....

I actually have somethings I wanted to write about but you know how it is. Every time you manage to open up the window and sit down to type is the time everything you want to talk about flies away.

Ah well.



Thursday, February 17, 2011

Long time no connection

I finally have internetzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Though this is on broadband. Which I recently bought, due to stories from seniors and preparations for the months ahead when I finally get to enter my co-ass thingy. And my previous internet provider being lame and leech-y, we terminated that and bought broadband. Oh my god.

Also, I am moving.

Not that I actually want to, but when the rent suddenly goes up without adequate warning, and what with us all having extra expenses recently, we decided to move. Actually, it's more like, we had to move. If we didn't we'd pretty much bleed dry. Or something. You can tell, I haven't been writing all that much. It's not coming out as I want it too. Hurmmmm....

Anyways, we are moving. My room is pretty much empty now, we're all sleeping in Aqilah's room for the time being. Tomorrow we move for real. In which, we're finally sleeping there. Or something some such. We're gonna share three to a room. So bye-bye privacy. And I'll have to make an effort to be less messy, or at least, contain the mess to my part of the room.

I love this house and am pretty sad to leave it. A sentiment shared by pretty much everyone right now. But, yeah. We can't help it. Or something.

I not being very eloquent nor intelligible right now. Ignore me.

I'm sad.

And my short semester class starts next Monday. I'm planning on taking Saturday and Sunday to read up on the subject, I cannot afford to fail of course. We'll see. Nona will do her best. Yeah.

Friday, February 04, 2011

*punches fist into the air*


Integration-Blok 29-the-stupid-because-I-did-not-study-worth-shit: PASSED

Skill lab-Blok 29-the-stupid-that-I-was-convinced-I-failed-because-it-was-after-that-fucking-day-that-fucking-thing-happened-and-the-lecturer-was-being-a-major-bitch-and-was-speaking-in-alien-because-I-had-no-idea-what-she-was-asking-and-I-fucking-CRIED-after: PASSED

Skill lab-Blok 30-that-was-all-levels-of-stupid-on-my-part-I-admit-wholeheartedly-because-I-WAS: PASSED

Alhamdulillah, syukur. I passed. No tripping. (this time around).

Now, I'm waiting for Integration Blok 30 results, which are supposed to come out sometime next week.

InsyaAllah, no more tripping up anywhere. I still have that oral medicine thing coming on the 21st of February. So, all the best for that, hopefully.

Nowadays, it's kinda like being in limbo, because we don't have any classes any more but the short semester hasn't started yet, so, I'm bored. And getting fat. Because I'm not exercising. Aww, nuts.

Expect a post on how awesome Arashi is. You can not read it. Who gives anyway? I'm in love.
