Monday, January 31, 2011

"So my brain eloped with my stomach and now I'm brain dead and hungry as hell"

Also known as, "What happens to Nona when she studies for One and a half day straight with only regular breaks for prayers and a meal."

We have finished the second integration exam for blok 30. We still have the skill lab test on Wednesday but I that's for later. The point is, apparently that was our last theory exam.


Where the hell did three years go to?

Skill lab on Wednesday, and then maybe some remedial papers if I tripped up somewhere, then my short semester for that one thing I did trip up, then I will have finished the Theoretical leg of my 5 year study in Medicine, thus beginning the Clinical leg, which I am very, very apprehensive off. Theoretical knowledge will only get you so far, or so they say. I also need immediate ass kissing skills? I shall respect, and kowtow to your white-coat wearing genius? Oh god, I hope I pull through with out any problems.

Just came home around an hour ago, we had lunch at 'Hanamasa' but, late lunch as it was, we don't need dinner now. And I managed to buy a taiyaki ice-cream and marble cheese cake. Hmm, dessert. There shall never be any universe where taiyaki ice-cream and marble cheese cake are not relevant, because they are. Very, very relevant.

I'm really sleep now. Only 3 hours of sleep today, and then to the mall to stuff my ugly face. It was either that or sleep straight through the day, anyway. I'm gonna get ready for bed? Maybe, it's only 8pm. So, to end this pointless little update;

live long and prosper


p/s: no I'm not a trekkie. I had just read a star trek themed fanfic. It was hilarious.

Friday, January 21, 2011

claw-like hands

We're having to do two reports in three days nowadays. So most of the week is spent in front of the laptop, typing. Thus, claw-like hands. Because after a while, you're fingers get cramped and stay in that position. So do your fore arms. Well, at least mine. Because my table sucks.

Anyway, while it's pretty much a given, I kind off find it disconcerting when they use my stuff for the presentations. Not that I don't use my stuff when I have to make the slides, but I just find it disconcerting. Like, you're sure you wanna use that? I think it's more of a inferiority issue, but yeah. Are you really sure you want to use that?

Here's to us not getting called tomorrow. I hope so, so much.

Not stage fright though. I got rid of stage fright ages and ages ago. Not to mention countless occasions of self-embarrassment in front of various people including students from other schools.

Oh wow, can I hold a grudge.

Back to studying my slides.

Oh, and I need to do something about this refusal to think about problems.

carpal-tunnel suddenly comes to mind


Friday, January 14, 2011

it's all down to perspective really

well, when you put it that way

Integrasi I paper, done. I can now sleep earlier than 3 o'clock and maybe get more than 2 hours rest. At least until Monday. When the cycle begins again.

Idea was stolen (yes, I'm a regular bitch now) but I made my own version of it. So, I dunno? I maybe committing some unforgivable intern-etiquette crime here. Anyway, I thought it was relevant since we're in the Forensics block and all.
It should be: "What's worse than failing an exam?" But I got lazy. ~.~
Blame my mouse. See, if people would buy me tablet ... *whistles*

because the world is how you want to see it


p/s: my 'o' key is jamming up!!! T^T


Arashi - Love Rainbow.


maybe I'll shoot deadly rainbows and blindingly intrusive sparkles?


p/s: shamelessly stolen meme from somewhere

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Sometimes I wonder

  • Nino is making it a mission to piss off every stylist he comes across or,
  • the stylists are all on crack or,
  • if they really truly honestly think that that is a good idea.

Nino's Wish costume for 2010's Music Station Super Live. Those are bloomer like shorts which he wears over skinny jeans. And that is a jacket hoody. Yeah. I dunno either. I just want to burn the bloomer shorts though.

am kinda obsessed with paint


Friday, January 07, 2011

You know what?

I have four books open on my table right now, all of different thickness but pertaining towards the same subject.

I have half a mind to burn all of them (table included), and just bugger off to sleep. Burn marks be damned.

I can't believe I was actually home, on holiday, just six days ago.

Also, I'm studying so slowly, a half-blind person would finish faster.

stress makes me speak big words


Monday, January 03, 2011



Gimme my holidays back. Sheesh.
Also, I am not looking forward to classes. Really. I used to. But not right now. I'm kinda sick of school.
And OSCE results are coming out sometime.
I am scared shitless. Oh yes.

picture drawn specifically for this post


Sunday, January 02, 2011


New years resolutions? To not make anymore new years resolutions. Oh wait... damn.

Arrived safely in Jakarta yesterday afternoon. Had to lug a 10 kg bag everywhere while wearing platform heels. Yes. My legs, they cry in pain. But since I do not like waiting, nor bothering anyone else, I went on my own merry way. Lugging a 10 kg bag. Okay, okay, so it was actually around 9.7 kg.

I think the taxi driver scalped me. Can't really say.

I miss home already :( But there's nothing really to help it. Who asked you to accept the damn offer?

My first experience of watching Kouhaku Uta Gassen? Hmmm. I can understand probably half of what they were talking about but when they start talking over each other or talking too fast, I get lost. Or when someone's asking me questions as to what they are saying. Hahaha. Arashi did a good job. They looked rather stiff but then again, it is Kouhaku. Maybe. Sho-chan stuffed up at "Funky Monkey Babys" . LOL. And Oh-chan as Kaibutsu-kun is adorable as always. The man is freaking 30! He is cute!!! I do not understand my brain.

And I kinda like this band called One OK Rock, pronounced One Ok'rock, as in One o'clock. Japanese and their word games. But it's something I can appreciate. :)

Anyway, happy new year everyone! Random updates of life is not very interesting but hey. May this year be more productive and happy for you and everyone you love. I hope this year isn't as hard as the last, but I think anyway, I have grown quite a fair bit. I learnt a lot and I hope to learn some more.
