Sunday, August 12, 2012


So today, I am exactly one year older than I was on this date last year.

Happy 24th Birthday to me. :)

Haven't been doing anything worthwhile though. I have exams these coming Tuesday and I'm supposed to be hunkering down over my books reading and reading and you know. But seems as that's currently not going anywhere, I decided to stop and write up a post instead. So hey

I'm sure that everyone would like to make wishes or what not on their birthdays. Or a general resolution or aim or what ever. I haven't had a thought in that general direction yet. So I probably not make any life changing decisions or changes on my principles or anything. I think I'll just enjoy whatever's coming. InsyaAllah.

Mum and Dad and the whole hoard are coming over this next Saturday! I am excite though not much can be conveyed through these words. Just so you know, I wake up everyday, reminding my self I'll be meeting them soon and getting giddy all over it. Mature I am not.

So yeah. Exams this coming Tuesday. Should probably concentrate on that. Then we'll consider going out to buy stuff and eat stuff and everything stuff.

may this year and the years to come be awesome


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