Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ear worm

You know, that song that's practically bored its way into your skull and there's no way you can get it out. No matter what you do, you are doomed to forever hum it. At least, until your brain kicks it out. But before that, you are doomed to hum it, sing it, jiggle to it and basically have it annoy you to the ends of the earth and back. And then, have you annoy everyone else with it as well, because you are physically unable to sing another song. Any other song. You might try, and manage a verse or two or a chorus before, when you realize it, you're back to humming that blasted ear worm.

So yeah. Dumb ways to die. SO many dumb ways to die.

I've been humming that absolutely all the time. And I just learnt the chords because, maybe, just maybe, giving it a form to come out with may abate its insistent droning in my head. Seems about alright now though.

So Anyway, I finished my degree? I think? I have another result that I'm currently waiting for and yeah, I really, really hope I'll pass.
Tonight I'll be off with some friends to this place called Pengandaran and The Green Canyon. Yeah, we know it's the rainy season and honestly, we don't care. I've finished packing my bag this afternoon, now all that's left is to wait for our ride. :)

I'll write about it soon. I've been planning to write some really long post about my co-ass experience but haven't been able to sit down and write, so till then, maybe.

Have a nice holiday everyone, Ignore the rain. It happens.

dumbest ways to die---


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