Friday, December 07, 2012

Of contemplations

The other day, I had a conversation with a housemate before she went home to Malaysia. She was telling me about her ailing grandma and how they had to look after her and how her mind is going. What really struck me was a small part of the conversation in which my friend says, when her grand ma came back from the local kopitiam and saying that she had met so and so and they had a really nice chat where so and so had actually passed away years ago. And her mother (my friend's mother) on hearing this, said, "Astaghfirullah mak, mengucap. Dia kan dah meninggal lama dah."

And that bit was what gets me. How immediate response is to something that may or may not be mystical. Grandma thought that she saw the ghost of her friend at the kopitiam and they had a chat. Not, grandma's mind is degenerating due to Alzheimer. There's little way that I can say this that will not sound pretentious and rude in the religious sort of way? I don't know. I wish I had a better way with words.

But the point is, I don't really like that kind of mentality. Grandma quite clearly has Alzheimer, but the norm and the social background will almost always fall in the mystical category. They should get grandma treatment? But I can't really say anything.

Growing old is scary.

contemplating thoughts


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