Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Because I was feeling lonely

  • Zero - Who was your last text from? - An ad from my telco company
  • One - What/who is your icon? - A picture of us playing with sparklers that one year we couldn't go home for Raya.
  • Two- Your relationship status? - Single 
  • Three - Have you ever lost a close friend? - No
  • Four - What is your current mood? - Slightly melancholic
  • Five - What’s your brother(s)/sister(s)names? - I have too many siblings to list them all down
  • Six - Where do you wish you were right now? - In London, somehow
  • Seven - Have a crazy side? - Sometimes she comes out and terrorizes people with her extreme manic ways, yes.
  • Eight - Ever had a near death experience? - I was almost kidnapped once, so that counts.
  • Nine- Something you do a lot? - Flip things off.
  • Ten - Angry at anyone? - My current posting group.
  • Eleven - What’s stopping you from going for the person you like ? - Him being married.
  • Twelve - When was the last time you cried? - That one time, a colleague asked me a really stupid question that I honestly cried.
  • Thirteen- What are you really good at ? - Fucking things up.
  • Fourteen - What do you think about when you are falling asleep? - Unattainable things. Like falling in love with a rock star.
  • Fifteen- What were you doing yesterday at 10pm? - Watching TV
  • Sixteen - Do you prefer light or dark hair on the opposite sex ? - I live in Malaysia, everyone has black hair.
  • Seventeen - Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? -  My dad.
  • Eighteen - What is/are your favorite band(s)? . - My Chemical Romance, Panic.  At the Disco. Arashi.  Fall Out Boy
  • Nineteen - What are you doing right now? - Filling this thing out because I was feeling lonely.
  • Twenty - Who do you trust 100% right now? - Myself
  • Twenty one - Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? - It's a hand -me-down of my mom's.
  • Twenty two - Heavy metal music? - Not really.
  • Twenty three- Who Was the last person you hugged.- Mum
  • Twenty four- Is there anything you’re hiding from someone? - I have  a lot of secrets, okay?
  • Twenty five - Who are you thinking of right now? - That one guy. 
  • Twenty six - What should you be doing right now? - Getting ready to turn in. Because I have work tomorrow.
  • Twenty seven - What are you listening to? -Young Volcanoes, by Fall Out Boy
  • Twenty eight - You need new jeans. Quick where do you go? - The mall
  • Twenty nine - Who was the last person who yelled at you? - My specialist. We get yelled at on a daily basis it gets old really fast. 
  • Thirty - Do you act differently around the person you like? - I become more awkward than humanly possible.
  • Thirty one - What is your eye colour? - Brown.
  • Thirty two - Who was the last person to make you laugh? - My mum.
  • Thirty three - Who was the last person to make you angry? - My "supposed" boss.
  • Thirty four - Hello Kitty or dora? - Hello Kitty probably.
  • Thirty five - Is your hair naturally curly or straight? - It's wavy.
  • Thirty six - Hug anyone of opposite sex in past 24 hours? - Not really, no.
  • Thirty seven - One thing you want right now? - 8 hours of sleep.
  • Thirty eight - Will you fall in love in the next few months? - Probably not. The prospect doesn't really look good on the romance part. 
  • Thirty nine - What does the 5th text in your inbox say? - Your purchase is successful. You can now enjoy your mobile data - I mainly communicate with telco companies apparently. 
  • Forty - Are you worried about the future? - Yes
  • Forty one - Are you happy with life right now? - A little more, a little less.
  • Forty two - Are you currently jealous? - Of everyone 
  • Forty three – Who's your best guy friend? - I don't really have any friends right now.
  • Forty four -Do you forgive or forget? - A little bit of both but not enough of either.
  • Forty five - What do you miss the most about elementary school? - Nothing. I hated elementary.
  • Forty six - Favorite Disney Channel show ? - We don't get Disney on cable because my dad's cheap.
  • Forty seven – Who’s 3 of your best girl friends? - Leika, Syamok, Syijo and Nisah.
  • Forty Eight - What are you looking forward to? - Sleeping.
  • Forty nine - Does anyone like you right now? - I hope so, but probably do one does. 
  • Fifty- Lyrics to the song you’re listening to? -" These battle scars,  don't look like they're fading. Don't look like they're ever going away."

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