Friday, January 29, 2010

Lines basically

are what makes a picture. That's one of the things I find so fascinating about drawing. See I can be a deep thinker.

So, here are some drawings I did in class today. I haven't been drawing like this for ages.

The Goggles, they do nothing

Seriously, what are you looking at?

Girl in love.
And because life will not be complete....

A little Juntoshi for the soul

sakumiya fan though I am.

A scanner, I have not. Sorry :)



p/s Owl City, Dental care song lyric: "...Alcohol and golf don't mix, that's why I don't drink and drive..." Serious love


paupably said...

so you listening to owl city also aah..
i loike haha.

akunona said...

just bought the CD. on a whim to try new music

it's pretty good. :)