Friday, April 29, 2011

I need new music

This is a very pressing issue. I need new music. I haven't listened to the radio in ages and have absolutely no idea who is good right now. Oh the conundrum.


Leaving the lameness that is my playlist alone, tomorrow I officially end my first posting! Yeay!

Except not really. I'm not fairly sure that I know how to read a CXR properly yet and I'm already being cut loose. I did fairly well in the exams, at least, according to what our consultant had to say anyway. We haven't received our final marks yet. But to tell the truth, I think I'm only good at memorizing.
Next postings have come out yesterday. I'm going to do psychiatry next, a 5 week posting somewhere not that far away so I don't need to find a temporary kost yet. Not that I save anymore cash than the others, travel expenses can blow a very large hole in your pocket.

I'm reading up, but yeah. It's like I'm reading, and reading and turning the page and the only thing that sticks with me in the end is, "What is this even talking about?"
I liked psychiatry when we had lectures. A year ago? I forget but somewhere there abouts. Interesting stuff. Wholly abstract and confusing and lacking in a precise objective, yes, but interesting. Also, that what makes it such a killer for me. I don't exactly do subjective well.

Here's to hoping that I pull through this time too. Prayers.

just wanted to type stuff


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Uh, say what?

In recent firsts of my life, today I got a phone call from an acquaintance whom I don't really know at all by the way, who proceeded to ask me if I knew where he could sell his kidney.

I kid you not.

I'm not judging or anything but... eh, yeah. Sell your kidney? Seriously? He has his reasons, though I have no idea if it's all made up or not, or if it's true or what have you... but yeah. This is not a normal question to ask someone. No matter what the circumstances.

Also, this is kinda scary and creepy. Do not, for the life of you, expect me to pick up any random calls anymore. You'd expect me to have learnt my lesson after that Sekuhara phone call incident in Matriculation, and for the most part, I have, but there are certain times (like today) when my paranoia takes a rest and I press accept.

Then this shit happens, which goes to show.

Also in the 'firsts' category, next week, technically, this week, I'll be having my first exams as a co-Ass. Pray for my success. Insya Allah.

Anything else? Err... yeah, I should be studying.

do I look like a black market dealer to you


Friday, April 22, 2011

電車少女 - densha shoujo

Though it isn't like I'm finding love or fighting of drunk passengers.

Four days in to my first posting. I did say I got radiology didn't I? Well, I got radiology. We, that is me and the other girls who have the same posting, are taking the train there everyday. We usually try to make the 6.09 Economy AC. So yeah, waking up early is a pain. I am perpetually scared of oversleeping. I have a punctuality thing.

Thus, densha shoujo. Or, Nona's obscure reference to something her readers (if she has them) probably would not get which is only relevant to her. The trains are from Japan! I wonder if they bought defunct trains for cheap? How do I know? Well, various signs on the train in Japanese in the train of which the only words I can read are "densha", "te" and "otsukamari kudasai", which makes no sense at all by the way, are a dead giveaway.

Anyway, radiology. I've always liked it. Odd yes. Most of my friends can't make head nor tails of it. Neither can I, I admit, but I somehow have always liked it. It's fun. Looking at black and white and shades of gray all day long. The doctor who's teaching us is really nice. He teaches at Ukrida too, so he's familiar. But he does expect us to know stuff he's taught in class. Sadly, stuff from a year or two years ago don't stick in you brain for too long. :(

We usually go in at 7.30 (I arrive some time over 7), and read x-rays. When we run out of them, we go for a tutorial until 12.00. Then the doctor goes off to another hospital and we tag along to read more x-rays and then have another tutorial. Unless he has some other work to do, we usually finish by 3.00pm. Then we run off to the train station and catch whichever train to Jakarta that's the soonest. We honestly aren't picky, we just want to go home. Though because of this, we've taken the Economy train a few times. Tickets go for Rp1500 (around 52 cents back home according to the current rate). There are no doors, sometimes there may be windows, and they are loud. You know, those trains you see on TV where there are people on the roof and hanging out of doors. Yeah, those. But we only go on them if they're empty. They are kinda scary and dangerous. So yeah. Stick in groups. Be aware of your bag at all times. Act poor? Joke joke. Don't kill me.

I have exams of Tuesday and Wednesday!!! Wish me luck, pray for my success. This will be my first test as a co-Ass. Yes, it is written like that.

I'm probably high on caffeine right now. Jittery, jittery, brain moving at speeds of light, fingers can't keep up, making less sense than usual. Ah love. Coffee.

I'm running out of Nescafe. And cash. We'll see which finishes first.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be studying right now. I am, I have pictures of broken bones open in a different window, I swear. But when you can't tell if you're looking at an arm or a leg, you probably should take a break, yeah? Or maybe I'm procrastinating. I'll never tell. I like this shit so much. It's weird. Maybe I'm only enthusiastic because the doctor's really nice and it's kinda still relaxed in a way. Wait until I get a major posting! But we'll leave that heartbreak for later. Right now, let's just enjoy the fact that taking trains is kinda fun.

And on that note, I leave you with a wikipedia link that will make everything clear.

Now the first sentence will probably make more sense. And shoujo means girl. I'd have used "onna" myself but that's what google translate gave me. And I'm too lazy. (oh my god, it's just a backspace key!!)

Also, I have the book. The story is very sweet.



Thursday, April 14, 2011

Conspiracy theorists, wooo ~ *wriggly finger movement*~

I have not updated in ages, yes?
I am a very busy person. Not so much. But I was.

We just came out of three weeks of PADAS so forgive me for not updating. Loads of things happened that deserve a mention but that would take too long. I might do bullet points. Which are currently me new love. I have no idea why. Since my bullet points tend to long and draggy anyway.

So. Results for PADAS have been announced this afternoon after days and days of being left hanging. You know, that feeling where you're on that ledge and it isn't clear if the hand reaching towards you will help pull you up of give that one little nudge to send you tumbling down to your death. I'm not even making this up. Metaphors how I love thee. Not a lot of people would get me anyway.

I passed by the way. After having to repeat the paper once. I cried. Like a lot. During that two day time period of new patient searching and doing the follow up and everything. It's sort of embarrassing. But I did. I am a weak person.

We're going to know where we are going to be stationed, in these next two days. Friday and Saturday. We're due at the new place on Monday. Yep. True Ukrida style. You have to admit, it does keep you on your toes. Also provides endless hours of bitching and worrying. But that's life. At least, ukrida life.

Saturday is graduation day. :D
No, I haven't graduated yet. I'm still not a doctor. I have a year and a half left, if everything goes well. But I do have a degree. Yeah, weird. But, when in rome and everything ...

You should see my kebaya, Yes, I bought a kebaya which I am going to wear for graduation. In one word, it can be described as "heavy". Believe me, it is. I'll post pictures. Maybe in my facebook. I have been influenced by my good friend Rai. You can all blame her (or thank her, which ever way this goes. Though, what ever happens, it'll probably be my fault because my fashion sense is woefully under developed. Like I am.)

15/4 3.45pm

We had a black out last night so I never managed to finish writing up this post. Huh. I have no idea what the time stamp is going to come out as, so just to be neurotic, I noted it down.

We had rehearsals for tomorrow's ceremony. Lots of pomp and ceremony. Lower your head, use two hands, walk slowly, everybody stand up.... wait for it... now! That kind of thing. It's sort of interesting but the ceremony promises to be long winded and boring. Lots of people talking, and you having to be serious and everything.

My family's not coming this time around but mum and yin already came last month while I was on 'holiday' so that's okay. The timing is never right. But I hope that they can make it for the next graduation thingy, if I can make it. InsyaAllah.

Our first stations have been announced. Monday I'm going to go to Depok, for Radiology. It's a two week cycle, then we'll change places again. Um. Yeah, we'll get to that when we get to that. But for now, let's just take a day at a time yeah?

Anything else? Nothing much. I'm sleepy. Slept late because I spent last night being eaten alive by mosquitoes. So yeah.

till next time


p/s: title is actually pretty appropriate for current situations. But that's a longer story and I'm not in the mood to type it out.