Incidentally, I was also on call that day, so I had effectively managed to leave my phone at home for almost two days.
Now, for most of us, this would be a very difficult situation. I mean, imagine all the awkward conversations you would have to join if you didn't have your phone to meddle around with and pretend you have something important to do with it, thus effectively ignoring normal human (awkward) conversation.While I was also worried that if anyone tried to contact me they wouldn't be able to, for the most part I was worried I wouldn't wake up because I rely rather heavily on my phone's alarm function.
I did wake up late incidentally, today. Not that late, but not the time I had wanted to wake up. But fear not, it wasn't any problem because everything went well. As well as it could be anyway.
So, after a long day at work not really doing anything because the wards are stupid, I went home. As soon as I arrived home, I sought out my phone and found it lying on my bed where I had undoubtedly left it in my mad rush to get to work on Wednesday.
I flipped it open to find that I had a grand total of 1 message and no missed calls. The message was from XL.
Yes, I'm rather sorry to say that I was slightly depressed at this state of events. Because then, I realized, that I was nobody's somebody. Or at least, that was what my brain said. So for a few minutes, I was sad. But hey, no news is good news. Meaning I didn't miss anything and nothing had happened while I had left my phone at home for one and a half day, except for a promotion for free new year's call towards your friends and family, terms and conditions apply.
Besides, I had my alarm function.
And so, we come to tonight. Tonight in which I had planned to not really doing anything if I didn't want to, but also do some work if I were to be so inclined. I was watching a drama on my laptop when suddenly my message tone rang out. Here is XL again, I thought. Maybe now they're trying to offer me free sms'es to my boyfriends and girlfriends, terms and conditions apply, I had thought. But when I opened the message, it was from a group mate, wanting to ask if I could take her on call shift tomorrow because she's sick, down with the flu, "I'm at the hospital right now. I'm really really sorry." There's nobody else, can you make it?
Because I was confused, what is this new type of communication? Why is it not XL? I took too long to reply and she called me not five minutes after.
So, to make a rather long (not really) story short (shorter), I agreed to take her on call shift tomorrow. Even though I had only come off call this morning. But hey.
So then, when I disconnected the call, I realized that, this is what my phone was for. Only a device that permits other people to call me, message me and ask me for stuff, ask me for answers to questions that they cannot answer. At your beck and call.
Because, as you can see; if you have no reason to, you would not talk to me.
It's my fault of course. Being socially dysfunctional. Being a nerd. Being scary in person and otherwise.
Of course I'm not supposed to complain. I can't mumble and grumble and bring it up. Because we are a group and team work means someone has to take the fall sometimes. Of course, in terms of hoping there are other people there to pick up the slack when you fall, tumble, get a concussion (not true of course, because you are in the end the person who does that job too).
But hey. What's another 30 hours?
I mean, there's no one left but me of course. Who else is going to get shit done? Everyone has their rotation. It just falls that I am the one who is just nicely free.
I'm fucking tired.
Damn it, so what if I'm being selfish and complaining? I'm entitled. Doesn't mean it wouldn't be my face in front of the hospital tomorrow, over night bag in hand, settling down for another 30 hours.
At least I have my alarm function. Damn good one it is too.