Monday, July 09, 2012

and then, it died

"We got the halls boss!" 

 Hiya. I ain't dead yet. Though coming pretty close.

Lots of things happening. Babies being delivered and all that crap. You know. I'm gonna make this really short because my keyboard's wonky after I had it repaired the other day. Typing long paragraphs need more patience than I can spare right now. I'll have to get it repaired again soon. Right now, if I type, some other letter appears if I press certain ones. I am constantly editing this shit. Here's an example of an unedited sentence:

"hi my name ils nowna and i slike two draow becaulse i am bowred als aslls fuck.x"

guess which letters. The paranoid in me thinks its a ploy by making something else in my laptop not work, they're hoping to make more money of me. Sucks to them because I'm poor right now. Poor enough to put off repairs. A sad day.

So anyway, obstetrics is not fun business and I find myself actively loathing this shit. Like a slow burning hate kinda thing. Sometimes I feel fine. But then, there are days I look at the hospital and consider running in the opposite direction. Far, far away.

The picture above was drawn in a fit of creativity born from browsing peoples' deviant art accounts. And procrastination. Always procrastination. Somehow, I really want to do something like this. All the neon colors that I would never wear. I love Death Berry's colors and Flutter Shark's name. Wonder if I'll have the guts one day.

Back to the picture, it was drawn in mspaint directly on the base picture. To great hand cramps. I figure I'm going about it the hard way? But I like it. It's how I figured it out, so yeah. The original is a picture of me in scrubs standing in the OT at one of the various hospitals I've been posted. I drew on it, added that alien cat thingy to great amusement and voila, around three hours wasted. Ah well. You win some, you lose some. I didn't even realize so much time passed. Haha. If only I could emulate that same focus to studying :)

Anyway, that's all for today folks. I am this close to hitting my keyboard with a stick, so to avoid furthur property damage, I bid you Adieu.

killjoys be making noise


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