Sunday, September 30, 2012

In which Privacy is a thing of the past

So, yeah. As students, as pertaining to the fact that we had all started our clinical years and concurrently, our tour of duty, so to say, we had all agreed to find cheaper accommodations  As a result, right now, I live in a room with two other girls. It's all of course, well and good if the room was big, but it isn't. And as girls, the crap each of us has accumulated in these past years, is of course overwhelming. As medical students, we also have a crap load of books. Very thick, very heavy, very large books. Which are crammed every which way. There are also the photocopies, which are numerous and everywhere. Not to mention that I read everything, so, we also have a collection of novels, comics and newspapers.  Make up, clothes, random pieces of life, bags, tudung, toiletries. They are everywhere.

And then there are three bodies here. In which I mean there are three of us, not three bodies in the literal sense, because that would be creepy and ridiculously unhygienic. We can't move without stepping on each other's toes. If one of us lies down on an available part of the floor, she would effectively stop traffic in and about the room. If either of us stood just inside the door, they would be in danger of getting their head banged on the door, or being crushed under my book selves. Which is deadly, because like I already mentioned, we are  medical students. We have books thicker than my thighs.

It's hot, it's cramped, and privacy is nonexistent. You can hide in the toilet and people can still hear you cry. You can climb up to the roof, (which is actually where we hang out our clothes) to have a private conversation and people can still hear you if their doors are open, or if they walked out to wash cutlery (because the stairs up to the roof are situated above the sink.)

But then again, I have never been in company as good as this in ages. So yeah. ただ我慢して

In other news, I have a paper that still needs to be written. My group mates are mostly unreliable neanderthals and no one wants to take any initiative. I'm not going to either because I'm tired. It's always me. Gimme a break. And buy me an ice-cream while you're at it. Also, please, please, please, do your job. Or I swear I'm gonna start crying soon.

My other group, which is my PTM group, on the other hand managed to hold our event to little error. We were a little bit over time, but all in all, it was pretty good. Could have gone better, it wasn't perfect, but I think we did pretty good for a bunch of first timers. I had to give a talk during the second session. It went pretty well, sure some kids didn't exactly listen, but I had fun. It made me realize again why I want to teach. :) Apparently, some of my friends said I was pretty good. Managed to get a laugh or two. I had a good time. A little bit weak at the ending though. So can pretty much learn to do better.

Anyway, that's enough ranting for the night, time to sleep and hopefully dream of awesome things. Like Japanese boybands and being at their concert. Or you know ...

catch the half truth


Thursday, September 20, 2012

For the sake of my sanity

Please, I don't really have much of it left. And I need what ever's left at all to go through the next few weeks until I can call myself a graduate.

A little rant to sooth my soul.

Please, please, all of you. Even that poor consultant who insisted we all learn and get proficient in English, because aren't you all ashamed of yourselves? And you call yourself medical students. But you don't even speak a word of English. Please.

Learn the difference between Angle and Angel. There is a difference. Heck. It's even spelled differently. Couldn't clue you in any more than that.

Angle. Hard G. "ng" sound

Angel. Soft G, like a J. Like Jelly.

Please. For my sanity, if anyone pronounces Epidemiological Triangle as Tri-Angel again, I won't be responsible if I kill you. I'd even laugh all the while.



Sunday, September 09, 2012

Well just d.....

Last time I was here I was going to write about something deep to do with friendship and camaraderie and what not. But the internet then went out on me, so that inspirationship has sailed. It was mostly because I had just come off watching Band Of Brothers, so yeah. I kept telling everyone it was because I was explosion crazy. But not really. I just wanted friends like that. Just a group of people I would trust with my life and vice versa. I don't know. I have friends. As antisocial as I may be with all my nerdy book reading and everything. It isn't like I don't like having a friend I can talk to. I was just jealous of those guys for what they had. But then again, being bombed at would of course make you friends for life. It was awesome. That series. I sniffled through the ending where they revealed who was who.

So anyway, here in Jakarta for my last posting. Say hello to Community Medicine also known as Hell by Ukrida. It's not really that hard, really? But the campus sort of makes it suck for you. They make it very very difficult for you. For example, we were set with listing 21 topics for a pilot project that had to be planned completely on Saturday, of which 7 will be approved, and we'll have to write up a proposal by Tuesday. For said proposal to be written, we of course need a topic, and seeing as said topic is not yet available, we only have tomorrow (Monday) to do it. We have to have an acceptable venue, plan the whole itinerary, logistics and consumption details, budgets, basically everything in ONE day. I am giving myself preemptive ulcers just by thinking this. I have no idea how we're going to pull this out of our asses, in one day. But we have to. Because there is a theory that this certain consultant is actually a demon reincarnate. She probably drinks the blood,sweat and tears of coass for breakfast. Or something. I don't like her approach. If people are too scared to approach you for anything, you're very possibly doing something wrong. Fear, while a great motivator, also sets you up for being cursed for very much as long as you live. Look at like say, the other consultant. People actually respect him. And I think that respect earns him better work than any fear addled mind can produce. But that's just me and I have no say in this.

Yesterday, after a long period of silence, the dictator in me, made itself known, and I had fun delegating. Really. It was fun handling a group of people. Though I probably frustrated a few people. But, hey. Not that I'm stepping up and taking any important jobs or anything. I don't want anymore responsibility than necessary. So that's that.

Anyway, here's to the fourth IKM batch. Let's get through these next 9 weeks intact, not kill each other, and not kill ourselves while we're at it. As tempting as burning down certain institutes of higher learning might sound, we shall refrain and learn to take the pressure like the adults we are. Curse words and every other shit that we might do and say notwithstanding.

preemptive ulcers alright
