Thursday, September 20, 2012

For the sake of my sanity

Please, I don't really have much of it left. And I need what ever's left at all to go through the next few weeks until I can call myself a graduate.

A little rant to sooth my soul.

Please, please, all of you. Even that poor consultant who insisted we all learn and get proficient in English, because aren't you all ashamed of yourselves? And you call yourself medical students. But you don't even speak a word of English. Please.

Learn the difference between Angle and Angel. There is a difference. Heck. It's even spelled differently. Couldn't clue you in any more than that.

Angle. Hard G. "ng" sound

Angel. Soft G, like a J. Like Jelly.

Please. For my sanity, if anyone pronounces Epidemiological Triangle as Tri-Angel again, I won't be responsible if I kill you. I'd even laugh all the while.



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