Sunday, September 09, 2012

Well just d.....

Last time I was here I was going to write about something deep to do with friendship and camaraderie and what not. But the internet then went out on me, so that inspirationship has sailed. It was mostly because I had just come off watching Band Of Brothers, so yeah. I kept telling everyone it was because I was explosion crazy. But not really. I just wanted friends like that. Just a group of people I would trust with my life and vice versa. I don't know. I have friends. As antisocial as I may be with all my nerdy book reading and everything. It isn't like I don't like having a friend I can talk to. I was just jealous of those guys for what they had. But then again, being bombed at would of course make you friends for life. It was awesome. That series. I sniffled through the ending where they revealed who was who.

So anyway, here in Jakarta for my last posting. Say hello to Community Medicine also known as Hell by Ukrida. It's not really that hard, really? But the campus sort of makes it suck for you. They make it very very difficult for you. For example, we were set with listing 21 topics for a pilot project that had to be planned completely on Saturday, of which 7 will be approved, and we'll have to write up a proposal by Tuesday. For said proposal to be written, we of course need a topic, and seeing as said topic is not yet available, we only have tomorrow (Monday) to do it. We have to have an acceptable venue, plan the whole itinerary, logistics and consumption details, budgets, basically everything in ONE day. I am giving myself preemptive ulcers just by thinking this. I have no idea how we're going to pull this out of our asses, in one day. But we have to. Because there is a theory that this certain consultant is actually a demon reincarnate. She probably drinks the blood,sweat and tears of coass for breakfast. Or something. I don't like her approach. If people are too scared to approach you for anything, you're very possibly doing something wrong. Fear, while a great motivator, also sets you up for being cursed for very much as long as you live. Look at like say, the other consultant. People actually respect him. And I think that respect earns him better work than any fear addled mind can produce. But that's just me and I have no say in this.

Yesterday, after a long period of silence, the dictator in me, made itself known, and I had fun delegating. Really. It was fun handling a group of people. Though I probably frustrated a few people. But, hey. Not that I'm stepping up and taking any important jobs or anything. I don't want anymore responsibility than necessary. So that's that.

Anyway, here's to the fourth IKM batch. Let's get through these next 9 weeks intact, not kill each other, and not kill ourselves while we're at it. As tempting as burning down certain institutes of higher learning might sound, we shall refrain and learn to take the pressure like the adults we are. Curse words and every other shit that we might do and say notwithstanding.

preemptive ulcers alright


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