Thursday, January 24, 2013

Of conviction (or the lack there of)

I just realized that I have been operating under the idea that today was Wednesday. Apparently not. Ah the wonders of holiday in which I do not have to even pay enough attention to remember what the hell day it is. Except for maybe remembering Monday. Because every Monday at 10 pm National Geographic airs Inside War. And yeah. Reasons enough. Even if I have to fight my dad because he wants to watch NCIS on Fox. Oh yeah. Life now has degenerated to channel priorities.

Not that I regret any of it, of course. After years of blood, sweat and tears (and more to come) I feel like I deserve a couple month's worth of gluttony and sloth. Incidentally, one month anniversary of coming home.

Hmm, any news? Not really.
I changed my background as you can obviously see. Not really the best, but it's simple enough to not cause a murder to any innocent irises and the like.

Ah well. Till another day. Maybe. 

there is no reason to this post


I have a good reason to believe that the lack of mental stimulation has caused me to suffer a mild case of aphasia. I have no words. Quite literally. Oh dear ;)

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