Monday, July 20, 2009

Caramel Song by Arashi

Disclaimer: I tabbed this for fun/cause I was bored/showing some Arashi love/as a way of giving back to the Arashi fan community (take your pick, really). I do not claim 100% accuracy so if there's anything wrong with it, please comment with your suggestions. All rights to the song belong to whom they belong, and clearly, not to me.

Just sharing. Been sitting on this for ages. Might not really sound like it but to me it works...*shrugs*.

Credit were credit's due.

Standard tuning.

* edit *. it appears that the picture cannot be resized to some people? I have no idea? anyway you can download the file from here caramel song (mf)
i hope that works

click on the image for a larger view. If you can't then just copy and enlarge, i guess, just don't go posting it somewhere else...




Anonymous said...

Hi! I got here from your post at Aibakaland forums; you linked to this post. I've been looking for anything about Caramel Song for ages, and I'm so glad to find that you tabbed it!

I wanted to ask whether you have a bigger version of it? Because I can't read the pic as it is, and I can't enlarge it. If it is not too much trouble, would you upload it again, bigger, and send me a link to lj [dot] bclar [et] yahoo [dot] de? You'd make me really happy...


akunona said...

i hadn't realized that it wasn't visible. Thank you for telling me.
Unfortunately, my computer right now is being repaired (i'm on a friend's) and it would probably take me some time to get it back.
I'd be happy to send you the tab but I'm afraid you'll have to wait a while.

I'm sorry and thank you.