Friday, February 04, 2011

*punches fist into the air*


Integration-Blok 29-the-stupid-because-I-did-not-study-worth-shit: PASSED

Skill lab-Blok 29-the-stupid-that-I-was-convinced-I-failed-because-it-was-after-that-fucking-day-that-fucking-thing-happened-and-the-lecturer-was-being-a-major-bitch-and-was-speaking-in-alien-because-I-had-no-idea-what-she-was-asking-and-I-fucking-CRIED-after: PASSED

Skill lab-Blok 30-that-was-all-levels-of-stupid-on-my-part-I-admit-wholeheartedly-because-I-WAS: PASSED

Alhamdulillah, syukur. I passed. No tripping. (this time around).

Now, I'm waiting for Integration Blok 30 results, which are supposed to come out sometime next week.

InsyaAllah, no more tripping up anywhere. I still have that oral medicine thing coming on the 21st of February. So, all the best for that, hopefully.

Nowadays, it's kinda like being in limbo, because we don't have any classes any more but the short semester hasn't started yet, so, I'm bored. And getting fat. Because I'm not exercising. Aww, nuts.

Expect a post on how awesome Arashi is. You can not read it. Who gives anyway? I'm in love.



techtikus said...

kongratulasi in passing all your fucking exams and may you pass all future fucking exams too. And also do tone done on the fucking swear words. Saying fucking in every fucking possible sentence is not fucking awesome.

akunona said...

yes, and? :)

techtikus said...

and nothing more, good luck for gilut. Funny word 'gilut' is.

Anonymous said...

so you are finished with to test on your bedside skills.. sekarang la boleh baca lotsa story boleh ke? kang lupa lak medical terms.. haha.. getting ready for your 'kapal koas'?? need monetary helps??hehehe..
mak dengar na cakap 'always'....
congratulations, banyakkan mengucap syukur atas kejayaan nona. mak ayah always pray for you, success here and the hereafter. dont go talking to your patients with looks that can kill, hehehe

akunona said...

i can't help it if my "awak-nak-mati-ke" face is my default setting!!!!! D: hahaha
