Friday, January 06, 2012


There's this old app that was developed by a group of Japanese engineers. It's called the "Nounai maker" and it's supposed to draw a map of your brain from your name. It gained popularity sometime in 2007 or 2008, maybe earlier. I've done it before but I just thought I'd gander about there today. It's pretty fun stuff. Unfortunately, since it's from Japan, it uses kanji to map your brain out. But give it a try anyway if you want to.

To give you a picture of how accurate it is, here's my brain maps for today as Aisya Bahari and as akunona :)

Aisya Bahari : The white kanji is for 'Rest' or 'Holiday' Since Aisya Bahari has been a coass non stop for almost a year with no rest, this is about as accurate as it can get. The blue kanji stands for 'Friends'. Because I love them like that. :)

akunona : The green kanji is 'Food', the clearly pink kanji is 'Love' and the pale-pinkish-what-color-is-that kanji is 'Secret'. So, yeah, akunona probably isn't telling you something. Though she wishes for some food right now. And lamenting on her single life. Or maybe not.

So have fun procrastinating. My job here is done. Oh and just so you know, apparently this Nounai maker is case sensitive.

my brain that is


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