Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Pineapple is malaise

I am feeling rather out of sorts for some reason. Just slightly melacholic... a little fidgety. I might want to scream a bit if I didn't think it would be waste of my time and energy. So here I am writing an entry.

We had our first exam last Saturday. Pharmacology. Yeah, I'm only two weeks into the new semester and I already have exams. Next week highlights (this week technically) Pathology, Clinical Pathology and Internal Medicine. All highly difficult papers. Especially pathology and internal medicine. And people wonder why I have no life.

Actually, I should be studying yes? Having three papers in less than a weeks time should actually put things in perspective and yet, I am not. I've become immune to exams I think.

This is not a good thing.

Anyway, last night from 8.30-9.30 was Earth Hour. Did you turn of your lights?

We did, but turns out the lights in front of house was a sensor type light. So, we couldn't turn it off. Sorry world but I have failed you....hahahahah...

In regards to the title of this post. I have found out something rather interesting. According to a site I stumbled upon the name Anona, actually means "Pineapple". Believed to have originated for "Annone" the name of a goddess of food. Or something like that. Interesting

btw, i sometimes use anonaanaga as a username. thus the interest....

This pineapple is retiring now. She has had enough of pretending to be studying.


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