Monday, April 06, 2009

Of Staphs and Strepts and a sulking gut...

It's exams week.... Oh the shock and horror!!! Hear the screaming of hundreds of Ukrida students as we try to cram some last minute into our brains, or, for the desperate, up any crevice accessible.

I need an outlet right now.....

I made a mistake today. Well, several mistakes really but this one..... this one really bites me.

Today I had my Skills labs exam and my Radiology paper.

It was the radiology exam to be precise. The question was simple enough,

"Kuman apakah yang paling sering menyebabkan osteomielitis."

Simple.... straight to the point.... and I had my staphs and strepts confused.....

Really, as soon as I read the answers, my brain died on me. Which is it? Was it staphs or strepts?????????????

The stupidest, most unbelievable mistake one can make, and I made it....

Am i stressed? Stressed doesn't describe me right now.

Osteomyelitis has been discussed in no less then three subjects and I had my staphs and strepts confused... shheeeeessshhhh..... T_T

My gut was saying staph, really, but my hand refused to listen and marked strept...

Then i had a stomach ache cause my gut was sulking cause i didn't want to listen to it....... >_<;;;

Ah well....

It's Internal Medicine tomorrow. I meet Osteomyelitis again.... complete with classifications and doses.....

Pray for my success....

random insert: it's nino's yellow!!!!

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