Saturday, March 20, 2010

Less than 24 hours...

and I'll be on a plane, heading back to Jakarta. The home away from home. Or the rumah kost away from rumah.

You can probably actually feel the depression coming at you in waves from this post....

It's not that I don't love what I'm doing, of course I do. It was something I had always wanted when I was young till form 3 and had stayed in the back of my mind while I was thinking of other more possible career paths ( I mean come on, I constantly failed add maths. I had no illusions I could get into med school with that). It's just depressing to be so far from everyone.

First block will be something to do with the senses? Biggest subjects would be ophthalmology and ENT stuff. I have no idea. Otitis media acuta. Hahahahaha. LOL

Had my results a few days ago. I passed everything, thank god. And my pointer wasn't really all that bad considering I had failed two subjects last semester. (remember, that angsty post)

I've nearly finished packing. I need to pack this laptop but, yeah, not yet of course.

I'm also fairly worried about my flight tomorrow (or today, as the case maybe). I've been delayed hours twice and only received the notification less than 24 hours before I was due to take off. But I just came off Airasia and apparently there hasn't been any changes. Lets hope it stays that way.

Oh well, back to Jakarta we go. Hello 6th semester. Hello endless days of neuroticism . Hello, hello, hello....

Bye Temerloh. See you again soon. Most probably around August. XD



Wednesday, March 17, 2010


As in pimping. As in what I'm doing now. As in:

Need any info on computers, software, apps and other internet stuffs? Go to this blog :!

But that's the unpolished, very blunt version. ;D focuses on computer related stuff. So, as I said in the blunt version, it focuses on compters, software and the internet. As of recent perusal, some posts discuss the pros and cons of different software, some posts include recommendations, some are related to fun sites on the net and interspersed are snippets of the authors daily life as a student, brother and son. The site is rather new so there aren't a lot of posts as of yet but if you are interested in computer related things, I'm sure that this is one of the sites you would want to look out for.

Have any questions? Just leave a comment. The author hasn't included any contact details (that I can see, but I might have missed it being slightly sleep-deprived right now) so, I suggest leaving a comment if you have any questions. Or you could just follow him on twitter and tweet something over. Don't worry, I'm highly positive he's not rabid. (i kid)

Interested? There's a link on the sidebar, under the friends category but if you can't be bothered to scroll up or down, just click on the picture

Have fun reading. :)



Monday, March 08, 2010

A fun weekend

i went to KL for the weekend and stayed a night at my sister's place.

It was very fun and i don't think that I have ever walked that much in a day. My legs, they cry with despair.

We went to KLCC where the main point was Kinokuniya and then to Time's Square where my sis did some shopping.

Kinokuniya was awesome. Mostly because I managed to buy the photobook that I wanted :D
I have loved the Pikanchi photobook since I sawthe scans and would have liked a copy for myself. I'm glad to say now, I do. :D

It's also good reading practice. Even though I can't read most kanji but at least I'm able to recognize and read the Hiragana and Katakana. Baby steps people! baby steps!!!!!

After KLCC we went to TS and shopped clothes. Well, yin did. I mostly browsed. But the dress she bought was lovely ;D

Anyway, thanks yin, for keeping me company. I know. I need the exercise. But honestly? My legs... they disagree with you.

OH! And an update about the 5x10 tour DVD: PAID AND ORDERED!!!!

Oh joy! now to wait for April. .


Monday, March 01, 2010

My wallet, it is dead

Because Arashi's 5x10 concert DVD is finally up for pre-order. The release date is set for April 7th. I am in the process of contacting a person and arranging a transaction. May all goes well.

I have waited for this CD since August last year. I shall have it!!!!!!! Wargh!!!!!

So, in other non-arashi related news, I am currently home for semester holidays! Have been for like, 1 week plus?

I have been doing nothing but expanding. Myself.

I really should go out and do something. *sigh*

Oh and I got a haircut. It's short. And short. And...short?
I wished she hadn't cut my bangs so short. I like my bangs longer. But I shall live. Hair grows.

This keyboard is seriously testing the limits of my patience. And strength. It's so..... hard? That's the only word I can think of to describe it. I wish my laptop is ok again. ABANG!!! COME HOME!!!!

Alright, nothing much to say. I hope the DVD transaction goes off okay. I really want this. >_<
