Wednesday, March 17, 2010


As in pimping. As in what I'm doing now. As in:

Need any info on computers, software, apps and other internet stuffs? Go to this blog :!

But that's the unpolished, very blunt version. ;D focuses on computer related stuff. So, as I said in the blunt version, it focuses on compters, software and the internet. As of recent perusal, some posts discuss the pros and cons of different software, some posts include recommendations, some are related to fun sites on the net and interspersed are snippets of the authors daily life as a student, brother and son. The site is rather new so there aren't a lot of posts as of yet but if you are interested in computer related things, I'm sure that this is one of the sites you would want to look out for.

Have any questions? Just leave a comment. The author hasn't included any contact details (that I can see, but I might have missed it being slightly sleep-deprived right now) so, I suggest leaving a comment if you have any questions. Or you could just follow him on twitter and tweet something over. Don't worry, I'm highly positive he's not rabid. (i kid)

Interested? There's a link on the sidebar, under the friends category but if you can't be bothered to scroll up or down, just click on the picture

Have fun reading. :)




fauzul said...

woah!!! i just got pimped..

akunona said...


the cheapest b'day present ever in existence. :D

not sure how much good it's gonna do tho.

Fauzul said...

thanks for the kind gesture :). but aren't you forgetting owe me MekD! :p

akunona said...

vat izzo dees mekD iyu supeking ofu? O_o??