Monday, March 01, 2010

My wallet, it is dead

Because Arashi's 5x10 concert DVD is finally up for pre-order. The release date is set for April 7th. I am in the process of contacting a person and arranging a transaction. May all goes well.

I have waited for this CD since August last year. I shall have it!!!!!!! Wargh!!!!!

So, in other non-arashi related news, I am currently home for semester holidays! Have been for like, 1 week plus?

I have been doing nothing but expanding. Myself.

I really should go out and do something. *sigh*

Oh and I got a haircut. It's short. And short. And...short?
I wished she hadn't cut my bangs so short. I like my bangs longer. But I shall live. Hair grows.

This keyboard is seriously testing the limits of my patience. And strength. It's so..... hard? That's the only word I can think of to describe it. I wish my laptop is ok again. ABANG!!! COME HOME!!!!

Alright, nothing much to say. I hope the DVD transaction goes off okay. I really want this. >_<


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