Saturday, July 17, 2010

Epic culinary ________

Failure? Success?

It was edible.

Remember I once said I went out to buy ingredients for burgers.(beef is expensive! gowaaaa) So I did make them. Sometime 2 weeks ago? 1 week ago? Ignore my inability to remember my own past and just concentrate on the fact that I cooked.

This is revolutionary because I cooked. From scratch.

It was yummy. But the next time I'm making this, I have to make sure that I dice the onions smaller. My housemates ate it. They said it was good. Juicy, thick, lots of meat. I... ok? It was good. That is all.

And you wanna know something else? The reason why I wanted to try and make Japanese burgers was because Nino said it's his favorite food.

Go figure. My fangirl obsession. It's EPIC!

heart shaped patty



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