I finally have internetzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Though this is on broadband. Which I recently bought, due to stories from seniors and preparations for the months ahead when I finally get to enter my co-ass thingy. And my previous internet provider being lame and leech-y, we terminated that and bought broadband. Oh my god.
Also, I am moving.
Not that I actually want to, but when the rent suddenly goes up without adequate warning, and what with us all having extra expenses recently, we decided to move. Actually, it's more like, we had to move. If we didn't we'd pretty much bleed dry. Or something. You can tell, I haven't been writing all that much. It's not coming out as I want it too. Hurmmmm....
Anyways, we are moving. My room is pretty much empty now, we're all sleeping in Aqilah's room for the time being. Tomorrow we move for real. In which, we're finally sleeping there. Or something some such. We're gonna share three to a room. So bye-bye privacy. And I'll have to make an effort to be less messy, or at least, contain the mess to my part of the room.
I love this house and am pretty sad to leave it. A sentiment shared by pretty much everyone right now. But, yeah. We can't help it. Or something.
I not being very eloquent nor intelligible right now. Ignore me.
I'm sad.
And my short semester class starts next Monday. I'm planning on taking Saturday and Sunday to read up on the subject, I cannot afford to fail of course. We'll see. Nona will do her best. Yeah.
selamat melakukan perpindahan. berpindah lah anda sebelum anda dipindahkan.
tak mau pindah sebnrnya. :(
tpi nk wat camne. nasib poket...
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