Tuesday, September 29, 2009


That's me right now.


I'm lethargic.

I'm sick.

I also have an exam tomorrow.

Life is truly wonderful. (and believe it or not, this isn't sarcasm. I really mean it)

I'm back in Indonesia, if anyone's wondering. Though friends over here, if you still are, then I ask, "who's the floppy chick that you saw in class today?"

I have a slight fever. No worries. Took paracetamol. Drank lots of water. It's already gone down, without ever really having gone up. XD.

I had a wonderful raya. I met most of my high-school friends and it was lovely meeting them. (I shall, seriously, not laugh like that ever again. It's painful. Well, at least not till we meet up next time. In which time, I shall not drink. No.)

I got a love birthday present from my bestfriend. Thanks for that. I'd take a picture but I haven't got a camera.

I also bought a bunch of books. (I say bought but, my dad paid. I only paid for one book that I bought at the lcct bookstore), which are currently calling my name but I can't read them yet because I have a load of other things to do.

I want my guitar back. Hmm, when are you going to return my guitar?

I also have procrastinated enough and shall go back to studying for my Gizi exam.


1 comment:

Zack said...

also thanks to you for the present..
all of my suju die hard fan friends went sewel when I show them what u got me for my bday..
It is totally awsome man..
I riak nak mampos la..
ape lagik..
by the way I'd like to publish entry for last raya thing but did'nt have much time..
so much to do..
so little time they said..
by the way, I am supposed to be fininshing my lab report since I have to submit it today but can seem to do it...
wargh maybe I just have to turn off the lapotop have breakfast and go jogging kot2 ade mood nak wat..