Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The "!!!! Moments" or "WTF moments" or really, "the moments you just don't know what's happening anymore..."

I'm sure you have them.

The moments in life when you just can't help but think "WTF?!!" or generally, just go "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" if you're not a swearing person. The moments in life when the only coherent thought in your head is, "What?".

So , since I'm bored and I have nothing to do (though I should probably do the dishes), Here I share some WTF moments that I have experienced so far...

1. The cat that spewed

This happened not too long ago actually. I was walking to college one morning, just like normal, when a cat caught my eye. It was a rather mangy looking cat, an alley cat, not that much different from any other cat, but what caught my eye was that it was heaving. You know, the way you do when you're about to spew.

I was just feeling sorry for the cat, wondering what had happened to it or was it just about to spew a hairball or something when suddenly, as I was coming about level with it, it spewed green gunk. More like projectile vomited green liquid. Bubbly, green liquid.

And yes, I went "WTF???"

When I came back to look at it after classes, to see if it was OK, it was already gone.

2. Age is proportional to..?

During a wedding kenduri, I was sitting alone at the dining table, my other family members having gone off somewhere I can't remember when a lady sitting nearby, striked up a conversation. We made small talk about nothing in particular when she asked me this question;

"So, adik how was your UPSR exams? Were they OK?"

I was gobsmacked and yeah...UPSR???? HUH????

Why? Because I was 17. I had just finished taking SPM! And here she was asking me about an exam that you take when you were 12. An exam I took, 5 years prior.

So, I answered, politely enough, "It was fine but this year I' m taking SPM.-smiles-"

I was 17 and she thought I was 12... *sigh* This should teach me to eat my veggies (I still don't eat them, btw)

3. Really, age is proportional too ... ???

Another WTF moment concerning age. During raya season some years back, a cousin came to visit and being nice and sociable and all, I went to shake his hand, and you know, do all the host-y things.

Then, my dad asked me, "Where's your mum?"

"Somewhere outside, I think," I replied when suddenly,

"EH?!" my cousin interupted a look of surprise and confusion on his face. "But I thought this was Mak Jema!" he said, pointing at me.

"EH?! WTF" goes my brain.

on another note, I suppose I take after my mum too much.

4. Through the darkness... comes squishiness

The light in my room is stupid and the electrical wiring in my house is old, so sometimes the light just suddenly would not turn on. So, it was one of those moments.

I was groping around in the dark, looking for something probably when suddenly I stepped on something squishy and bloated like. Like stepping on a water balloon except it didn't burst. And suddenly, an enormously loud croak came from under my foot.

I jumped, screamed and ran out of the room.

It was a frog. In my room. And I stepped on it. WTF?


Yeah... so there they are. Some "! moments" in my life. I'm sure I have some more but, I can't remember them right now. Maybe I'll do a sequel some time. Hahah...

Though, I seem to remember that most of them have something to do with mistaken age.

Anyways, anyone want to share some of their moments?

I'm bored. Was this even a little bit interesting? Oh well.



~leika~ said...

I think you and your mother are twin sister but i doesnt matter what I think isnt it? your look is acceptable for your age I think. sya dgr x? the foreigner in 2pm da quit??

akunona said...

course your opinion matters. what foreigner in 2pm. in fact, what's 2pm? Sorry bt i don't know. ^^;