Friday, May 14, 2010


shall occur rather soon.

There are TOO MANY ANTS. ARGH!!!!

Not the big ones, but the small, black ones that swarm and bite you.

I swear if another bites me again, I'm going to go on a rampage. With Baygon. Don't say I didn't warn you.

On another note, oral medicine sucks. I have another word for it, but I am trying to keep the blog clean. Hahah (see that happening soon -_-)

Costumes for Gantz movie have been released today.


I seem to remember saying that one of the reasons want to watch the movie was to see Nino in a tight suit (skin tight suit), kicking alien ass. And, seeing the teasers, they be delivering. *nosebleeds*

Please 2011, come soon. And please, some random cineplex near where I live, please get the distribution rights.

Right, of to pretend I'm actually studying something!




zz said...

sifu, koi nk follow blog ni, tp gimana caranya? xde button follow pn. leh cadangkan alternative x?

akunona said...

i dah letak kat tepi. haha...
bile nk blik mesia oak nih?