It had somehow ended up on its back on the toilet floor by the door, its wet wings pinning it, making it unable to turn over. Though I have no idea if a cockroach on its back could normally turn over or not.
I finally realized it was there just as I was about to exit. Not really wanting to kill it, I stepped over it and went back to my room.
Later that same day, I went to the toilet again.
And the cockroach was still there. Still on its back. Legs still waving feebly in the air.
Feeling somehow weird, I sprayed it with water towards the drain. And somehow, inexplicably, its legs must have caught at the edge of the drain and it managed to pull itself right side up. I stopped spraying, taking advantage, the cockroach scrambled up the shower place thing, towards the large bucket we keep there and stayed behind it.
The drain was closed anyway. It wouldn't have fallen through.
So I named it Totchan. After the toilet.
Totchan was still there when I went to brush my teeth. He just stayed there quietly (somehow, my brain started calling Totchan, 'he').
"Don't look, Totchan," I said to him in my brain.
"How are you doing anyway?"
"Oh, ok."
"Don't worry, I won't squish you. Just tell your family to please keep out of my room, ok? Thanks Totchan."
Totchan was still there in the toilet when I went to take a bath this morning.
I accidently washed him away not knowing he was there. He ended up struggling in the water before reaching the bucket and holding on to it so he wasn't swept away.
He gave me a scare because I thought he was a centipede.
"Sorry Totchan. Didn't see you. And you seriously scared me."
Totchan isn't there anymore.
I hope no one squished him.
i just don't know what it is yet
p/s: True story? Made up? Totchan knows.
p/p/s: I'll make it through this. I kinda like the challenge. If only I can convince my brain.
p/p/s: I'll make it through this. I kinda like the challenge. If only I can convince my brain.
in sane we trust. but you dont look too good dont you?
never have really.
i prefer to be called eccentric. :p
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