Friday, August 26, 2011

That awkward moment

That awkward moment when your friend says she's sad because she can't make it Thursday to lunch and our mutual friend had told her that it would have been awesome if she could have made it because "Everyone' s going to be there!!" and you smile and comfort her while thinking, damnit, you're not going to be there and this is the first you've even heard of it too.

Hi, welcome to my life of passing through other people's epic dramas.

I realize that the reason I seem to study so much is because I want to run away from my problems. I read so I won't have to talk to you. Hi, I'm a nerd by choice because I'm socially awkward.


And to escape this blue, blue mood, let's uplift our spirits by looking at pretty boys.

nino, photobombs with glee

arashi, pwning shades since forever

it's a bird, it's a plane, it's UEPOMU!

hi, meet shige, he's cute

And watch KAT-TUN's Run For You pv a couple of dozen times more for the head tossing and hip swiveling ... hips... swiveling....

hips ... swiveling


credit for pictures, everywhere. just, they are not mine.

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