Well, quite a lot actually.....
Last Friday we (being my housemates and I and Ezzah, Mira, and Bai plus a group of juniors and kak fini, all in all 16 people) went to Dufan, Ancol.
We headed out at around 9.00 a.m and stayed there until the park closed at around 8.00 p.m.
Now that I think about it....LAMANYER!!!!!!!!!
So, what did I ride anyway, remembering my self-imposed ban on thrill rides EVER! thing?
well, they managed to coerce me into riding a swinging ship ride called Koya-koya. Since it didn't spin 360, i thought, well, couldn't be that bad, right? So we went on that after we got of the Ferris Wheel.
I think I left my stomach somewhere over there.
well, they managed to coerce me into riding a swinging ship ride called Koya-koya. Since it didn't spin 360, i thought, well, couldn't be that bad, right? So we went on that after we got of the Ferris Wheel.
I think I left my stomach somewhere over there.
Actually, it was.... ok?? Hahaha.... I surprise myself. Now I actually think it was fun even though I wouldn't have had another go on it at the time.
(nona yg takut tinggi)
So after that, to get rid of the funny, my-organs-are-hanging-somewhere-in-the-air-above-me feeling, we went on the Bumper cars next..... *cue evil cackle.*
Soooo my favourite ride! Fiqi rode with me, Wan with Aqi, Bai and Mira and Ezzah on her own. I had so much fun!!! Worst crash was when we hit Ezzah head on. Fiqi has a bruise on her knee from it.
Somehow, this says a lot about my driving...
So after that, we went on a multitude of other rides, including a kiddy roller-coaster, a boat ride into a house of dolls aka "Istana Boneka" and one of those spinning tea-cup things called "Poci-poci". Who would have thought that those teacups could make one soo dizzy. (@_@)
We had to take a break after that one......hahaha.
the girls on the Tornado...I'm the one taking the picture.
So many things we did lah, the best...of course the Tornado.
I didn't ride it of course. I was standing happily on solid ground, recording my friends being swung up, spun around and hanged upside down in the air screaming their little heads off...or laughing in some cases....
It was fun just looking at them honestly. I'm living vicariously through them???
We also went on the Log flume, Perang Bintang, Rumah Jahil, Rumah Ajaib and last, Arung Jeram. My second most fun ride of the day. hahaha....
It was a sort of boat thing passing through a series of rapids. It was the last ride we did so we were wet through. We went on it TWICE. Because the consensus was, "We're wet, lets get wetter". Ahahhaa....
After that, since the park was already closing down, we went home.....dripping wet but really, extremely happy.
Honestly, the others went on more rides than I did. The roller-coaster, Ombang-ombang, Pontang-pontang and the swinging thing that I forgot the name.
(incidently,the names are all berganda yek???)
I, on the other hand, wouldn't get on anything high and or spinning. Hahaha...
do i feel left out? Honestly no... it was fun watching the looks of terror on their faces.
p/s: a few of my favourite pics of the day. They aren't in any particular order though. Other pictures can be found on my facebook.
moment terindah..tp gile..umpama byr nyawa loll....
ini mama germ nya ya..
cluck cluck cluck.....
do u remember the wet water ride we had at chesterton theme park in london?
yeah still remember that one...
there was a log flume ride as well at Dufan but kurang mencabar...hahaha
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