Friday, April 17, 2009

Portrait: Mohd Fauzul

The thing about drawing potraits is that they take so long to draw (... for me anyway).

So during classes, I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't draw potraits because they take so much time that I would rather (and should, really) spend studying.

This has made me rather rusty. Not that I was any good anyway at the beginning...

So, during the recent holidays, I promised myself that I would draw at least one picture. A reward of sorts? I was thinking of what to draw. Since drawing some more Arashi was, well, boring, I decided on a theme. And that brings us to this particular picture and this particular date.

Thus was created a portait of my brother: Mohd Fauzul.

Mohd Fauzul aka Abang

Time: did not time because I was frequently fiddling with it at different times

Tools: Sketchbook, 2B, 7B, HB and 4H pencils

Referenced: Gambar raya 2008

I botched it. Sorry abang. It does look like you... somewhat....

Anyway, I did mention a theme yes?

Well, today, April 17th, is actually a month after his birthday (March 17th).

I wanted to do something nice..... So,

Happy one month after your birthday! How's being 22?

I'll give you the potrait if you want it.



p/s: three posts in one day? I'm stressed I tell you... it's the new block


Anonymous said...

wow really I don't look like that..
it's a conspiracy to bring me down i tell you hehe :P

neways tanx 4 da potrait pezen :)


akunona said...


i think it's just becoz it's so... compressed, tho.

the original portrait looks like u...


Anonymous said...

does, it does. doesnt he look well, all 'tua' like.. hahahahah

lepas ni sape plak yek

akunona said...

i'll let u guys see the original and have u evaluate from there.

i think this picture doesn't do my work justice...echchhehehe...

u just want me to draw u, don't u mum? hehe

Anonymous said...

hah, memandai (tapi boleh gak..)