Friday, October 15, 2010

that's what you think

Exams have been pushed back to Monday. We are having a three day weekend. All the people out there who have not finished reading up the subject material can now rejoice and go watch a movie or drama or mindless entertainment of your choice.

Not saying that I am not one of them.

But I still don't like it. There goes my weekend which I had thought to spend with hanging out at malls, doing nothing in particular. Now my weekend will see me sitting at home, doing nothing in particular.

I actually had prepared myself for staying up until the wee hours of the morning to study you know? Took a nap in the afternoon, finished up the smaller notes and drew up a table in my head. Yes, I am that nerdy. But that is beside the point.

The point is, my University is weird. After three years, it only continues to get weirder. I am morbidly fascinated at how weird it can get.

Though when you break it down, it's all just organizational problems.

Drama, Ukrida has it.

Anyway, I decided to take things slow and read as I go along. Maybe we'll go out next week

In other news, I want a boyfriend. So I can bully him into going with me to the mall. Walking by yourself is lonely, ya kno...



ps: the last post is read:

what are you saying?
I don't understand.

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