Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm Home.

I'm home.

After nearly 12 hours on the road, I finally reached home at around 5.30 pm this afternoon.
By taxi, plane, bus, train, bus and then mum's car. I'm finally home.

I'm tired. Really effing tired.

And another thing....

Today's my birthday.

Thank you for the wonderful surprise yesterday.

It was wonderful.
I seriously, love you guys.

birthday cake

birthday pizza

Thanks for all the kind wishes from everyone.
If i forget anything I'm sorry. I'm still sort of tired and I can't quite think straight.


acu said...

buleh tak tukar kaler font tuh. Naya mata org jer...tau la 'naga'... (i wonder, mata naga merah ek???)

acu said...

hek eleh...

akunona said...

merah la kot. XP

merah seems nice. why not? it stands out....