Monday, June 21, 2010

in which i left my brain at the door

just came back from pathology exams.

I can safely say I failed. 8D

It's kinda awesome.

But in accordance with the amount effort I put in and the execution, it's pretty much a good match.

Meaning, I didn't study, thus it's not surprising if I fail.

I'm feeling oddly bittersweet. The truth is there, staring me in the eye, I accept it, and yet...

Denial. A little bit of silly hope. Do or die. Though in this case, I'm pretty much dead

No, I'm not high or anything, this is just my thought process right now.

It's not that I didn't try though. I started studying for this shit a week ago. Granted I didn't finish. And last night was an unmitigated disaster. And today was an outright catastrophe.

I'm not making much sense. Ah, well.

on to tomorrow.

and someone kicked it into the gutter...


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