Friday, June 25, 2010

we are DONE

25th block is OVER!!!!

Let me give you some recaps of the week
  • Sunday: woke up with a start because, "OMG it's already too bright, I'm late. We have exams today. Fuck what time is it... Wait, it's fucking SUNDAY!!!" and I had already grabbed my towel to go bathe.
  • Woke up after only two hours of sleep because I needed to study. (but I went back to sleep anyway and kept waking up every hour. Quality rest, not so much) and the first thing I did was grab my book. =__=;;;
  • Pathology died on me
  • Obgyn broke my brain
  • Skills labs were however, oddly good
All in all. An awesome week. Blood, sweat and tears all around.

You do know sarcasm right? not like some people I know



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