Friday, December 25, 2009
Congratulations are in order
We knew you could do it, thus we didn't mind hitting you on the head so much.
So, Illin is going to Tualang next year. My alma mater. It's a boarding school, so, he should toughen up a bit.
I have no idea what to say next. Keep up the good work! (that is so lame, but yeah)
Thursday, December 24, 2009

A day late, but, Merry Christmas as well. Though, I read somewhere that Japan doesn't really observe christmas as a holiday. It being more of a couple's celebration than anything else. And they eat KFC for some reason.
So anyway, dear Aiba-chan. I remember you being the first Arashi member for whom I wrote a birthday wish for in my blog. Though at that time, it was the blog in friendster. Surprising how fast a year has gone past...
Anyway, Happy birthday Aiba. Stay as miraculous as you are. Know that, all around the world, fans are wishing you the best in as many ways possible. Be well, be happy and take care. :)
I can't seem to upload a picture at the moment but, I'll come back an edit this when the internet is once again, behaving. :)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Guess who...
Guess who is going home after spending months saying she wouldn't?
Guess who is slightly confused as to her own sanity?
Guess who is slightly hyper right now (for no apparent reason)?
Guess who ....
Guess who ....
Friday, November 27, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Riida~ (v.2) and ...
to dear-dear Oh-chan,
happy birthday.
have another wonderful year ahead.
take care of yourself
thank you for being riida :)
and because it's technically still the 26th in some parts of the world, I am NOT late. :P
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha
to all muslims all around the world
let's remember the meaning of 'korban' or sacrifice again this year.
Monday, November 23, 2009
So, in celebration of Ohno Month, the great and unflappable leader of Arashi, I drew a picture of him. BD
From AnS episode 119. Where he ate that "World's number 1 hottest ramen" and made the cutest expressions ever.
This man, is turning 29 this year, believe it or not.

oh-chan kawaii
There are actually two versions. This is an earlier one. The second one is where I repaired most stuff but, somehow, I like this one more? I dunno. :/
Either way, Happy Ohno month people!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I am, in fact, still able to type
But since I feel like it's been a long time, I'm updating.
Anyway, last entry's emo is so emo. But yeah.
I'm the type of person who thinks that the only thing I think I have is my academics. It's the only thing I'm good at (though I'm not that good at it either, as evidenced in the last entry). So, it means a lot to me. I suppose. Allow us our vices, eh?
Concerning that, the remedial paper for the exam is over and done with. I don't think I failed again, but I didn't think I'd fail in the first place either. Though for this block's (21st blok) Gizi, yeah, that one, I probably did fail. Quite spectacularly in fact.
Enough of exams woe yeah? I could go on forever.
I just came back from having Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki at Central Park with Anum and A'an. We have nihon fever. It was inevitable just as the okonomiyaki and takoyaki were delicious. Not exactly like I'd imagined them to be, but, yummy enough. Snacking stuff. I'm gonna try mochi next. :P
Nothing really all that new in my life. I study. I sleep. I eat. And the cycle continues. I'm thinking of taking karate back up, but it seems impossible right now. Maybe I'll just keep practicing the few kata-s I know. If I can recall them of course.
OH! last week (?) probably, myself, Anum, A'an, Mai, Rai and Ejat went to Grand Indonesia. The mission: to buy mags featuring Arashi at Kinokuniya. I wistfully remember a time when I thought I would never get in this deep. Ah, naivety.
Anyway, I can say that we all got what we wanted. And I can't believe I bought it, but I did.
Arashi on Potato mag November issue. It came with THREE posters. THREE. I am on cloud TEN because nine isn't enough. I haven't taken them out yet because I haven't a pen knife. Though it hurts me that the posters are back and front. Meaning if I put up the Nino poster, Oh-chan will be facing the wall. Though, saying this, I'm still putting up the Nino poster. Because I am biased. My bias is the bias of love.

Though it's already evening now and it's just finished raining. ;)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Saturday, November 07, 2009
This is my
- I-am-deciphering-the-messages-hidden-in-my-lecture-notes face (i'm sure there's "diestudentsdie" in my surgery notes)
- Constipated face
- I-am-reading-your-mind face
- Trying to imagine Nino nek**d face
- Trying to imagine Arashi nek**d face
- Internal medicine is killing me face
- An ant just bit me face
- I have a big problem face
- I miss you face
- I shall now proceed to kick your A** face
- You are starting to piss me off face
- I love you face
- I am wasting time face
Take your pick.
We shall die the glorious death. And then get revived only to do it again in three weeks time.
Good luck everyone! You know you all secretly love it, right?
p/s I am procrastinating. Anyone figured that out by now?
Thursday, November 05, 2009
I'll not do this, if i don't do this now
Pictures are not of good quality. We made do with what we have. And it is not a lot. :)
So, anyway, to kak Sheh; Congratulations on your Wisuda! kore kara mo gambatte kudasai! \(^_^)/
And another thing, I finally... FINALLY... bought a new phone. A sony ericsson T707. It's pink. I love it. And that's all.
Because the previous post won't let me tweak it
So, yeah. That (look at post below).... is awesome.
That is all.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My legs hurt-ed
So, Futsal (girls) tourny was last Saturday. There were 6 teams playing so we were divided into Group A and Group B.
My team, team "lagi2 triple loa" managed to proceed to semi-finals where we were finally beaten by team "anak pak didi" with a score of 4-2. Or something. I forgot. We lost. YEAY!
Then we played against team "main tibai aje" and won to obtain third place. YEAY!
SO, the results were, my team got third. Both 2008 teams got first and second place. MTA placed fourth. Sugoi placed fifth. 2009 placed sixth (though I could be wrong for fifth and sixth placing. Sorry, my brain fails me big time). But we all got prizes anyway, so, again YEAY!
The point is,
1. We had fun.
2. I kicked legs more than I kicked the ball.
3. I fell more times than I actually bothered counting.
4. I actually burst out laughing while playing at my utter failness in futsal.
5. Aqilah tanduk bola!!!!
6. I did not score one goal.
7. We had a spectacular own goal.
8. We talked Arashi.
9. 2007 is really the best batch ever.
10. We took loads of pictures. (narsis giler)
Next year, 2007 may be retiring. LOL. We'll see. Being fourth years (insyaAllah) and all that. But you never know.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Bersukan untuk negara
Anyway, baru balik practice futsal. Practice ap la sangat. Kejap jek dah pancit. Cam ne ni?
Kenapa sibok2 practice? Sebab...
Sok ad perlawanan futsal!
Anjuran UMSA. (promo free).
Datang lah beramai-ramai ke Futsal Arena dan berilah sokongan kepada team "Lagi-lagi Triple Kick".
Kalau rajin dan tak terlalu letih, sok, ak post result pertandingan.
Btw, ad 6 team? 3 dari 2007, 2 dari 2008 and 1 dari 2009.
Da, nak gi berlagak study. XD
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Didn't really had anything planned to do. The only thing I wanted to do was to find Paramore's new album.
No luck there though. The shop assistant said it'll probably arrive sometime next week? So I'll probably bother looking again next weekend. If I'm not busy.
I ended up with some other stuff though. Which inevitably happens.
A new pair of earphones. Which are blue. I wanted yellow. But they only had blue, green and pink. Blue being cute enough, blue it was. though now i see it clashes with my mp3... hurmm... And Zee Avi's album.
Errr... kinda not my usual style... but her voice is really cute.
The verdict after listening to it some: Just, not my type? But I do like 'First one to die' from the album.
Watched a movie as well. Inglorious Basterds. Yes, I am aware it has been out for ages but it's just now playing over here. So why not? I debated between that one and that "Sumthingorother-With a Chance of Meatballs" movie.
But Brad Pitt wins, hands down.
One of the best parts of watching a movie by yourself is that you don't have to worry about whether they'll have enough seats for your friends so you can sit together. So yeah, I got decent seats (if I hadn't I wouldn't have bothered watching), and watched the movie.
I pretty much liked it though at the beginning I didn't really get where it was all going. Fav scene; at the theater. Really, really cool. And the soundtrack was awesome too.
Bought a new eraser after mine was mutilated a few months back, a new comic and some toothpaste. That's pretty much it.
Oh, and at the CD store, I was actually, quite seriously debating whether I should or not buy a KAT-TUN concert DVD. KAT-TUN's Queen concert DVD. It said in 2008? So it must be recent but since I'm not in The KAT-TUN fandom, I don't know. It costs Rp100,000. Which is, I'd like to think, relatively cheap (because I bought that Arashi 5x5 cd at the same store for Rp90,000). But then, I didn't buy it. Mainly because it wasn't Arashi and I don't need another fandom.
I have some homework to do and it's 95% done? Only need some people to submit somethings to me and draw curvy lines on graph paper. They said you can just do a rough sketch in words but suddenly, my prefectionist A-type self decided to rear up its head and make a scene. So I'll draw it out tomorrow.
On another tangent, if you don't get this, it's fine, but, I'm Sorry.
Till next time. I'm really tired.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Honestly the worst exam week I've faced. With less than adequate preparation and no time.
I really think I flunked a few papers. (PA..... Pharmaco....Surgery..... why you hate me so?)
I am now off to sleep away my pain. Here have Doraemon!Nino.

I don't remember where I got this from. Prolly from a random search on the net. Credits go to original uploader whosoever he/she may be.
Friday, October 16, 2009
I was studying on the floor in my room, leaning against my bed and going "ECD I, ECD II...ECD-- what the heck?" because suddenly, my bed was hitting me in the back. Like, really hard. ( well, not really hard, but I felt it enough)
Because beds don't naturally hit you in the back, I was like, "wait, what?"
Then I looked over at my fan... it was pretty much shaking too. So I got up and then everyone was coming out of their rooms and shouting...
"Oh my god, did you guys feel that?"
"What was that?"
"Earthquake? Earthquake?"
The chandelier downstairs was pretty much shaking too.
So yeah. An earthquake. 6.4 on the richter scale. Happened somewhere around Anyer. Around 300km from Jakarta? (well, it said that in the news report I read)
I haven't any news except that there was panic in high rise buildings in central Jakarta where people were in mass hysteria and were trying to get out.
There'll probably be more updates soon. In the news.
Oh, and yeah, we're all fine here. In case any one of you are worried.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
By the molecules of a hair...
It's exams week everyone!
Well, we're almost finished anyway. Only three more papers left.
Honestly? I think, this is the worst preperation I've made for an exam.
Really. Yabai.
Tomorrow we're doing Skill Labs tests. ECG exams, technique and maybe a little interpretation. Dunno yet, depends on the tutor grading. Here's to hoping I get a lenient one.
Saturday is peadiatrics and integration.
I'm taking a break right now. I can't do anything anymore. I'm gonna sleep early tonite.
I slept at 2.30 am last night/morning, yo. And had to wake up at 5.30. Thats 3-4 hours of sleep....
Exams make me unhealthy. Not that I've been all that healthy to begin with.
OH, and I watched 'My Girl', Aiba-chan's new drama.
Err.... I'm giving Aiba's acting the benefit of the doubt. Being a fan is surely wondrous. We allow so many things. Hahaha.... It was cute though. Koharu-chan was cute. Masamune-kun in his school uniform looks really weird, but him in plain clothes is OK. Can't wait for the second episode. The manga was cute and very touching so, I have some good vibes for watching this. Looking forward to it.
OK. off the comp now. Sleep beckons.
Monday, October 12, 2009
A list because, right now, that's all I can think in
2. My blood pressure is 90+/60+. Rough estimate. I feel fine. 8D. That's lower than ever but I have low blood pressure anyways. (Normally around 110/70)
3. I'm in the final stretch of completing the group powerpoint presentation for Wednesday's pleno. I am not putting in any animations, fancy backgrounds, nor any sparkles. Just because. Hah.
4. I have a tummy ache.
5. I probably should be studying.
6. Remember this post? Why? Videoscope, why? ? Well, Arashi will be on videoscope. In fact, if I remember correctly, Arashi has already been on videoscope. Because it aired on 10th October. Ironic much? Yes. That is my life. I wonder if my housemates would let me install astro? Because, you know. Reruns.....
6a. edit: Apparently on 10th October when Videoscope: Arashi was supposed to be aired (I got my facts right), V instead aired Videoscope: Utada Hikaru. Hmmm..... Though I am glad I didn't miss anything, I am also confused. I'm thinking Johnny didn't allow it. If that's true, then. Damn you, Johnny. Why you play with the fans' heartstrings so? Especially us overseas.
7. Ninomiya Kazunari will be playing Kei Kurono in Gantz. I've read Gantz. Then stopped because it got too gory. It's an action movie. I'm presuming heavy CGs. The movie's coming out April next year. Will I watch it? Maybe, just to see Nino in the black costumes they wear while killing aliens. And maybe see him in action sequences. It'll be in two parts. Co-starring is Kenichi Matsuyama. The dude who played L in Deathnote. The director is the same guy who did "Deathnote". I am....slightly excited. About seeing Nino kick ass. Sorry.
8. Aiba-chan's My Girl. Wanna watch. Sad-faces at the world. Them song by Arashi titled My girl. Sad-faces at the world some more.
9. Have finished reading for tomorrow's papers. Will now proceed to try and finish them again. After I sleep. Probably.
10. The end....
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I'm lethargic.
I'm sick.
I also have an exam tomorrow.
Life is truly wonderful. (and believe it or not, this isn't sarcasm. I really mean it)
I'm back in Indonesia, if anyone's wondering. Though friends over here, if you still are, then I ask, "who's the floppy chick that you saw in class today?"
I have a slight fever. No worries. Took paracetamol. Drank lots of water. It's already gone down, without ever really having gone up. XD.
I had a wonderful raya. I met most of my high-school friends and it was lovely meeting them. (I shall, seriously, not laugh like that ever again. It's painful. Well, at least not till we meet up next time. In which time, I shall not drink. No.)
I got a love birthday present from my bestfriend. Thanks for that. I'd take a picture but I haven't got a camera.
I also bought a bunch of books. (I say bought but, my dad paid. I only paid for one book that I bought at the lcct bookstore), which are currently calling my name but I can't read them yet because I have a load of other things to do.
I want my guitar back. Hmm, when are you going to return my guitar?
I also have procrastinated enough and shall go back to studying for my Gizi exam.
Monday, September 21, 2009
twisting this raya
I humbly ask for your forgiveness if I ever did anything wrong.
don't twist your tongues on too much lemang and rendang, people. :D
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Belajarlah anda
Today is already the second day of classes. And we have already finished one subject yesterday. Talk about fast, yeah?
You know what?
I have nothing funny to say. In fact, I have nothing to say at all. I actually had a pretty good draft going yesterday but the internet was wonky and I couldn't go online so the good draft wasn't fleshed out and I forgot all about it.
Ah well. We'll try this again sometime later.
though to be honest, even the guys themselves have no idea when the exact date is since they were debuted on a span of three days and they were in Hawaii thus the co-relation to the actual date in Japan is unknown. I'm taking the easy and going with the middle date.
Anyway, happy ten years Arashi. Otsukaresama deshita!
In other Arashi related news, I finally got my copy of the Arashi's Best Album Limited Edition. XD
Which I am currently listening too. And I find it funny that in the info box in my winamp player, it reads;
which is actually quite true when you think about it.
Friday, September 11, 2009
I'm heading back to Jakarta tomorrow. Because classes starts on monday.
Yeah, my college honestly has the awesomest timing ever. totally.
So, my flight is at 1315 or was it 1330? But it's 13.. sumthing nontheless. I hope I meet a friend. I never make plans. It's always a... 'lets wing it' ... kind of situation.
I'm down. Because I am lazy.
I need to pack. But I am lazy.
Either way, will be back next Friday for Raya holidays. 8D.
Which makes being depressed sort of pointless. But classes are starting! It's the principle of the matter.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
I don't know either

Random guy drawn in msPaint.
Holidays are almost over.... le sigh.
Better start looking for stuff to pack.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
The "!!!! Moments" or "WTF moments" or really, "the moments you just don't know what's happening anymore..."
The moments in life when you just can't help but think "WTF?!!" or generally, just go "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" if you're not a swearing person. The moments in life when the only coherent thought in your head is, "What?".
So , since I'm bored and I have nothing to do (though I should probably do the dishes), Here I share some WTF moments that I have experienced so far...
1. The cat that spewed
This happened not too long ago actually. I was walking to college one morning, just like normal, when a cat caught my eye. It was a rather mangy looking cat, an alley cat, not that much different from any other cat, but what caught my eye was that it was heaving. You know, the way you do when you're about to spew.
I was just feeling sorry for the cat, wondering what had happened to it or was it just about to spew a hairball or something when suddenly, as I was coming about level with it, it spewed green gunk. More like projectile vomited green liquid. Bubbly, green liquid.
And yes, I went "WTF???"
When I came back to look at it after classes, to see if it was OK, it was already gone.
2. Age is proportional to..?
During a wedding kenduri, I was sitting alone at the dining table, my other family members having gone off somewhere I can't remember when a lady sitting nearby, striked up a conversation. We made small talk about nothing in particular when she asked me this question;
"So, adik how was your UPSR exams? Were they OK?"
I was gobsmacked and yeah...UPSR???? HUH????
Why? Because I was 17. I had just finished taking SPM! And here she was asking me about an exam that you take when you were 12. An exam I took, 5 years prior.
So, I answered, politely enough, "It was fine but this year I' m taking SPM.-smiles-"
I was 17 and she thought I was 12... *sigh* This should teach me to eat my veggies (I still don't eat them, btw)
3. Really, age is proportional too ... ???
Another WTF moment concerning age. During raya season some years back, a cousin came to visit and being nice and sociable and all, I went to shake his hand, and you know, do all the host-y things.
Then, my dad asked me, "Where's your mum?"
"Somewhere outside, I think," I replied when suddenly,
"EH?!" my cousin interupted a look of surprise and confusion on his face. "But I thought this was Mak Jema!" he said, pointing at me.
"EH?! WTF" goes my brain.
on another note, I suppose I take after my mum too much.
4. Through the darkness... comes squishiness
The light in my room is stupid and the electrical wiring in my house is old, so sometimes the light just suddenly would not turn on. So, it was one of those moments.
I was groping around in the dark, looking for something probably when suddenly I stepped on something squishy and bloated like. Like stepping on a water balloon except it didn't burst. And suddenly, an enormously loud croak came from under my foot.
I jumped, screamed and ran out of the room.
It was a frog. In my room. And I stepped on it. WTF?
Yeah... so there they are. Some "! moments" in my life. I'm sure I have some more but, I can't remember them right now. Maybe I'll do a sequel some time. Hahah...
Though, I seem to remember that most of them have something to do with mistaken age.
Anyways, anyone want to share some of their moments?
I'm bored. Was this even a little bit interesting? Oh well.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Why? Videoscope why?
When are they going to feature Arashi?
I suppose, the Johnny's fandom in my country is only restricted to the internet. Not that it's a bad thing, but I kinda want them to be featured more on TV. Get them more coverage. Though, it's not like their fanbase is that small and need any more buffering, but yeah. It's the principle of the matter (what principle?)
I follow almost all the asian music shows on TV but Arashi almost never comes out. Not a lot of Johnny's idols come out either. But I have caught Domoto Kouichi's "Ayakashi Onna" (?? is that the right title? I forgot) twice on JK hits on MTV. In all the JK hits and stuff I've watched, Arashi has only come out once!
Ashita no Kioku on JK hits. That ONE time. (of course I screamed and refused to change the channel until the very end of the song and the last strains have died and the tv turns get the idea)
And compared to how many times "Sorry sorry" or "It's you" PVs are played, that's kinda sad.
I know that the Malaysian fanbase is huge, but really, there's no coverage. Even when I go to record stores and look under the A section at the Japanese music section, all I see is Ayumi Hamasaki.
Ayumi Hamasaki....
lots and lots of Ayumi Hamasaki.
Incidently, once, I went to a record store in Indonesia and I found a TOKIO concert DVD. Their 10th anniversary concert DVD to be exact. And that was how many years ago? And it was still very expensive. And no Arashi.
On another note, I kinda like Super Junior now. AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! you know who you are. Though I still cannot match name and face. This is bad. I do not need another fandom.
Their music is good. Say what you like, it's all digital or they're lip-syncing or whatever. I like listening to their music. And that's all there is to it.
You know what? Johnny's should take a leaf out of the SM entertainment book.
Monday, August 31, 2009
It's raining fanservice!
Just because really. hehehe
So anyway, from the 28th to the 30th of August, Arashi kick starts their 5x10 tour with the first venue, Kokuritsu.
Since I can't be there in body, I've been following a few concert reports. I've only read a few by some lj users that I usually stalk because reading too much only serves to make me jealous. .. and from what I've read, I can't help but feel proud of our boys. I can't really put what I feel into words because, unfortunately, I'm not that eloquent, but, yeah, the best I can do, is that I feel proud of our boys.
I feel that they can go on. And I'll be there, for as long as I can.
An interesting part is that, apparently they performed A.Ra.Shi in the infamous transparent coats and white shorts they wore during their debut. Before this, I've come across this info alot in the fandom but it never crossed my mind that they would do this again! It's rather fitting, yeah? When I first read about it, I burst out laughing. I think that this alone would be the reason I'm buying the concert DVD. (but yeah, I don't really need a reason anyway, do I?)
On the last day of Kokuritsu, from what I've read, it was raining really hard. Really-pouring sheets-cats and dogs-you're crazy to be standing in it-raining really hard. But, the boys and the audience didn't let it get it to them. From what i read anyway, they did a lot of fanservice on the 30th, to get the crowd going. The fangirls that day are really, really lucky.
It was Jun's birthday as well on the 30th so during the mc, they sang a birthday song and brought out a cake that was covered in clear plastic to protect it from the rain. Then they presented him with his birthday present, which was a really, sparkly jacket (blazer? coat?). So sparkly in fact, that he looked like a disco ball. He wore his present during one of the encores and apparently tried to blind Oh-chan with it. XD
This, my fellow fangirls, don't you agree, is one of the pics u really want? Because I want a pic of this. Really.
Do you think they'll release a concert DVD for kokuritsu?
Ah well, either way, I really am looking forward to the concert DVD.
If you're interested to read some concert reports, there's a link to an lj account in my sidebar, under the name Arashi and JE; Sumoboy. This person's concert report is a nice read, in my opinion.
So, I wish Arashi continuous good luck in their 5x10 tour. May they stay safe, no accidents happen and they have a good time at it.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Jun-tan? Jun-pon? Ahhh... JUNNOSUKE

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
happy fasting
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
New Look!!!
Didn't use an Arashi template... and I shall not admit it was because when I tried to upload it, an error came up and I had no idea how to repair it since I'm technologically blind and techno speak makes me go cross-eyed.
So, do you like it?
It has a nice simple design, simple colors. Slightly whimsical....
Totally at odds with the person behind all this yes?.................. But maybe not. 8D
Still have a few things I'd like to tweak around.
Maybe later tho. I'm gonna go watch TV now.... *sigh* I missed having Astro. XD
On another totally unrelated note, the lamp in my room is stupid. It's broken again. And I've just come home for a week +....
Stupid light fixture.
So I'm typing this in the dark. LOL
(being on holiday equals being bored, and this is what happens... not that I'm complaining or anything)
I was going for a simple design.
But then....
Would people really mind if I used an Arashi template? Really?
Would people care anyway? This is after all your blog.....
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'm Home.
It was wonderful.
birthday cake
birthday pizza
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Some drawings...

Random vampire chick. It's a vampire. Really. You can't see the fangs cause they're tiny, but they're there. I know. I drew them. Just a random character. Cause I can. I'm practicing shading, can't you tell? This was tweaked in photoshop. The quality sucks? Yes, I know.

Anatomy phail. Hahaha. This was drawn because I was pissed off at a taxi driver who kept grumbling under his breath and putting the brakes on suddenly, so that the car kept jerking. I had motion sickness. I was tempted to just puke in his car but really, I'm a nice girl, so I didn't. But, really, taxi driver man sir, It doesn't matter that where I want to go is actually rather near. It's your job. Just do it.
Also tweaked in photoshop.
That's all for this installment!
But really, there's another reason.
August is when ARASHI releases their compilation album!!!!
Which I bought.
And may get my hands on sometime next month, because that's when I'll be coming back to Indo.
I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bought the limited edition copy that boasts three CDs of ARASHI's singles from 1999 to 2009. Until Crazy Moon, if I'm not mistaken.
And there's a new song as well, written by ARASHI for the fans. I've already listened to it once. And with my limited understanding of the japanese language, I thought it was cute, and nice, and touching. But I still need to look at translations to see if I understood right. hehehe
August is also when ARASHI goes on tour!! In the five domes and kokuritsu.
I want to go. The ultimate fangirl dream? To me, it seems unattainable. Hahha. The plane ticket to Japan alone exceeds any kind of budget I have.
But I can always dream.. . le sigh.
August is also MATSUJUN'S month!
For my ni-ban. Since most of us will be going home for the holidays, we might not be able to do a celebration like we did for Nino in June (unplanned though it was). Maybe we'll do something later? We'll see...
In three days to be exact. HAHAHA...
And thus...
Hi, people who read this.
No I did not forget that I actually have a blog. I'm just too f-ing lazy to update anything. haha... pardon me. You probably don't even care. HAH.
Anyway, yeah, finished my last block for my fourth semester in my second year. I may or may have not failed microbiology but I don't give a f-ing hell right now. This may or may not change in due time.
So, what am I doing right now?
waiting for the results to come out for one. But they keep pushing it back. I've already had to change my flight times once and I've not got enough money to change it again. Not that I want to anyway. You can only take so much crap before getting fed up with it.
Speaking of crap, my relationship's been crappy. What kind of relationship? Oh, the usual kind. You know, with people.
I may or may not be anti-social. But that's another story.
I want to go watch a movie. Apparently GI-joe's out. when am i going to see it? Maybe tomorrow. Hmm...see if i have enough strength to haul my butt out the door.
I'm maybe a little emo right now. Can't you tell.
In an attempt to get this in line, let's talk about my fourth semester!!!
What was it like?
Really hectic. We had modules so thick, just looking at it gave you a headache. And modules so thin, that you're worried if you actually have enough information in there.
I was experimented on twice. Though it was of course with consent. (Having no saliva sucks, really).
I made specimens from faeces and urine samples. (the trauma faces were wonderful)
I listened to and learnt all the pathological breath sounds. Which was way interesting.
I had a sort-of kind-of breakdown somewhere in between blocks that may or may have not made people question my sanity. (but they do anyway, so that's ok). I got through that, thanks to my family. I'm sorry for making you guys worry, really.
I fell sick. Really, really sick for the first time ever. And also went to the hospital for a check up for the first time ever (you think that being a doctor's daughter I'd be brought to the hospital at the first sign of a fever, but oddly, no. I know some people who were shocked off this when they found out. Check ups as a baby do not count).
I made a fool of myself countless times. But really, I make a fool out of myself on a weekly, if not daily basis, so, yeah.
I made friends with a lot of people I only knew the faces of.
I drew lots of pseudoartistic crap. Not really. Just wanted to say that. I just mostly draw stuff which may or may not suck.
I had fun. I did not have fun.
In short, I gained experience.
Would I like to repeat it all again?
I'd like to proceed to my third year please. Hahahahaha...